

  • Take your measurements instead of weighing your self. Weight is just a number, and your husband is probably right, all your work is probably making you look better! Don't get down on yourself, and don't give up. I'm a teacher too, and summer is our time to kick our training into high gear! :) (And please don't do the diet…
  • Great job! What an awesome way to put this all in perspective, and an even better reason to be in better shape! Those little tots take a lot of energy. :)
  • I like mine raw with homemade hummus...super easy in a food processor, and you can make it as spicy/whatever other flavor profile you like as you want!
  • I LOVE MapMyRun...I have the same questions about the calorie burn numbers though.
  • Hi Sarah! Congrats on the nursing school, that's no small feat. (And the marriage, that's no small feat either!) You can do it, MFP definitely works, for me it's just made me more aware of the choices I'm making. :) Good luck!
  • I am a former fast-food addict! I haven't eaten out in awhile, but I was taking a class last week and another teacher and I looked at our sandwiches in brown paper bags and both had the instant urge for the McDonald's across the street...grrr, why do they have to be all over the place? Happily, those chicken nuggets and…
  • Thanks Mary, I appreciate the words of wisdom! I wish you the best in your journey! :)
  • Girl, I understand, I was the pickiest eater ever!! The important thing is to be willing to try new things, you won't love everything, but you'll at least get your taste buds adapted to it. :) I've been using 5k runner app for a brief time, really seems to be working. (And I couldn't run to the mailbox before.) Maybe you…