

  • I am with you guys! I will try for 45 also! :)
  • Hi everyone! I just joined this group even though we are halfway through the month. I just discovered Leslie's DVDs and I love them! I'm glad I found another group of people who agree. I try and do 2 miles a day, my goal is to walk 20 miles, through the rest of July.
  • I know at my school, when I lived on campus, I actually ate better than I do now in my apartment. There is an elementary school on our campus and they eat from the same cafeteria so things tended to be healthier and you really had to wait in line for fried foods. I wish I still had my meal plan. I have since moved in with…
  • Hi Everyone! My name is Lea, I live in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. I am a senior professional writing major at Carlow University. I want to lose weight in order to look and feel better. I've always been overweight and it would be nice to be able to change my lifestyle for good! I'm excited to start this challenge and meet…
  • I'm stressing, I have one professor I really dislike. If I never have to take another one of his classes it will be too soon. Other than that I should have 4 As! I also took the LSAT Saturday and will hopefully get the score from that soon!
  • I'm in! I'm starting tomorrow because I already have the DVD!
  • My Thanksgiving was great! My eating was not! I feel like I ate better when I lived on campus because I go to a small school without a lot of unhealthy options. Egh!