

  • Wake up and smell the coffee hun!! Why are you still there? Isn't it bad enough that you miscarried without him choosing porn over you, and making unfunny jokes at your expense! Pack up and move on, life really is too short for rubbish like that! My marriage vows from my husband included "love, honour and cherish" and he…
  • I am 5'8and a half too and my goal weight is 154, because I started at 303lb I think I will have about 10lb excess skin too, so may revise that target when I get nearer.
  • Having been morbidly obese I really can't understand this attitude. It was the most painful and miserable time of my life. I never want to go there again.
  • I was over 300lb, I have mirrors in my home and i knew I was massive. I hated anyone to suggest ways to diet to me. I honestly believe I was addicted to food, and constantly battling hunger. It was very real. There is no way I could have maintained a weight loss for any length of time, in the end you just think "why…
  • You let him off with his bad behaviour 100 times in the past, he can treat you however badle he wants then just say sorry and everything's ok. Why should he change, Christmas day , what does he do? Enjoy his babies' first Christmas, make the mother of his child, his fiancé, feel loved and special? NO, he kicks his little…
  • Say no once, if they insist on giving it to you anyway, Throw it all in the bin in front of them. I bet they wont do it again. Make a big deal out of binning it too!! Well done for keeping strong x
  • Yes I will, Happy Christmas
  • I would say, " thanks for helping to heal my heart, and thanks for a lovely couple of weeks, I will remember you forever". Then I would get on with my life and find someone closer to home. You can't up sticks and move to Scotland after only knowing someone for a few days. And you can't expect him to do so either. Just be…
  • Well, I still think I look the same but everyone else has commented on my face, and today my boobs. I was actually told, I no longer have flesh bulging over my bra strap under my arms!!
  • In the UK it is far more expensive to eat healthier than convenience foods. The government are aware of this yet do nothing about it. There was a proposal to junk food but it never happened.
  • Hi I had a bypass 17 days ago, have lost 18lb post ob, no regrets.
  • That looks yumm, How did you cook the potatoes and bacon?
  • Wow, that's great, keep it going now x
  • I'm horrified, I think she may be inadvertently giving paedophiles a new piece of material. I would remind her that it's not a safe place to store a sensitive image of her child and if she doesn't remove it I would report it to FB to protect the child.
  • I have been with my husband 11 years and married for nearly 8. We rarely argue, certainly not in the last few years. I would leave if we argued. I had that in a previous marriage, and I hated it. I am an adult, I can discuss differences in a calm way, i don't need to shout or be shouted at. If I don't agree with my oh or…
  • Congratulations on your forthcoming marriage, and good luck on the first step of your journey. I have pcos and I am type 2 diabetic. You are doing the right thing trying to lose the weight. I had to lose each time I wanted a baby, as soon as I got down to 180lb I got pregnant! I had 5 pregnancies with 3 live births. So it…
  • I'm with you on this, I eat no added sugar at all!! I am type 2 diabetic so I watch mine. I ate a white petit pain today with lunch, had a nectarine and a banana, and had 180 mls skimmed milk on my cereal aand I am 11g over!!i would never be able to have less than 20g.
  • Sometimes it doesn't matter what you do the fat deposits just will not go. If you've had children your body changes. If you have lost a lot of weight then you will have skin folds and fat deposits and you could exercise 10 hours a day and lift loads of weights but it will not go. The only option then is to accept you are…
  • The reason she doesn't feel hungry is she will be in KETOSIS, it's caused by not taking carbs in and having very few calories. It's a state your body goes into when all glycogen stores are used up and your liver prduces ketones to help convert fat into an energy it can use. This actually prevents the body using the protein…
  • My eldest son is a tattoist- he wants to tattoo me, he has done my mum who is 67. I already have 4 small tatts so at 45 I don't want any more. I just claim I don't heal well because I have diabetes!! ;-)
  • Only my ears, and i used to have a nose piercing but thats it! My son is a body piercer and is always asking if he can pierce me!!
  • Good luck with kicking the habit, i have been off them for 6 months tomorrow, and since then I have lost 35lbs. Just DO NOT replace having a ciggie in your mouth with having food in there. Use nicotine replacements for the first few weeks if you struggle. Also save the money you would have spent on cigarettes and pay for a…
  • I've lost a lot of weight on very low calorie diets before, but I always regained it. I was on 3 sachets of 131 cals each for 5 months, the weight dropped off me, but when I went back to eating "normally" I quickly regained every pound, and no matter how many times I tried to go back on it I just couldn't get into it.
  • Well done you, thats fantastic. Keep it up.
  • Thats lactic acid in your muscles, it's also a sign that you should give them a rest.
  • You both look lovely, well done.