Coworkers are sabatoging me

I have told my fellow coworkers that I'm trying to lose weight, but they keep trying to get me to eat cookies, cake, chocolate, ect. I realize it's the Christmas season, but I'm trying to be healthy an NOT gain a ton of weight during the holidays. I'm getting really frustrated! For instance, last night I told one girl thanks but no thanks to m&ms, but she put it on my desk anyway. Then another girl brought cakes and got mad when I told her I didn't want any but thanks anyway. Now I'm not a souless zombie, and I do budget for treats every day (can't live without Dove Dark Chocolate!) however, I'm tired of them pressuring me to eat junk. The kicker? Not a single one of them are as overweight as I am.

I could really use some encouragement.


  • Clarecbear82
    Clarecbear82 Posts: 369 Member
    Hi I'm sure they aren't intentionally trying to sabotage your weightloss a lot of people just see offering treats as a way of being nice and nothing else. I bet they don't even think about the fact your on a diet they just like to offer.

    Good luck with your journey :)
  • sheshe32
    sheshe32 Posts: 195 Member
    They are handing it to you? They are putting it on your desk? Are they actually putting it in your mouth? If you dont want to be rude, and take doesnt mean you have to eat it. Throw it out later, add into your calories for the day, or re-gift it. If its cake, then you can say no. If they get mad, you tell yourself that its ok. If they are your friends they would understand. Thanks but no-thanks is usually my response. Good luck with that but dont let it get you down. Please dont feel obligated to them, be obligated to yourself and your mission. :bigsmile:
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,900 Member
    It's ok, they are probably just trying to be nice, so just remind them every time they bring something to you that you are trying to loose weight, so please don't be offended by me not eating any.
    Also be appreciative of them including you, it sounds to me that is what they want. To include you in their reindeer games, it is not a bad thing at all, they just need to know you can still participate without eating.

    Good luck!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I have told my fellow coworkers that I'm trying to lose weight, but they keep trying to get me to eat cookies, cake, chocolate, ect. I realize it's the Christmas season, but I'm trying to be healthy an NOT gain a ton of weight during the holidays. I'm getting really frustrated! For instance, last night I told one girl thanks but no thanks to m&ms, but she put it on my desk anyway. Then another girl brought cakes and got mad when I told her I didn't want any but thanks anyway. Now I'm not a souless zombie, and I do budget for treats every day (can't live without Dove Dark Chocolate!) however, I'm tired of them pressuring me to eat junk. The kicker? Not a single one of them are as overweight as I am.

    I could really use some encouragement.

    I'll be honest... I've found that people want YOU to eat in order to make themselves feel better about eating it. They know you are trying to lose weight and they aren't trying to sabotage you directly. They are trying to feel less guilty about consuming this stuff and if YOU eat it, well.. they feel less guilty. Twisted justification (the girl who is "dieting" ate it, so I can eat it too!), but I've found this to be how it is with people. They KNOW it isn't good for them, but they can't say no to it. If you say no, they feel guilt. If they convince you to eat it, well they feel better about eating it too.

    I used to have a girl at work who would constantly buy me cookies and cream Hershey bars. I HATE white chocolate and would always politely decline them. She would tell me "It won't kill you to eat chocolate!" and I would say "Perhaps not, but if I am gonna waste 150 calories on something? it will be something I actually LIKE".
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    More than likely they are doing two things....trying to be nice by sharing with you and trying to keep you from depriving yourself. That said, I have been through the same situation and I worked up the guts to ask why are you trying to get me to eat this stuff? My coworker explained that she was worried I wouldn't be able to sustain my loss while depriving myself. I informed her at that time that I have some kind of treat (or two) almost every day and that I am in no way depriving myself and that if I were interested in trying the office treat I would serve myself a small portion. Stay strong!
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    A former (very skinny) boss once kept offering me mini bars of chocolate, and when I said no, he put some on my keyboard whilst I was away from my desk . I picked up the bars, walked over his desk, put them on the floor and repeatedly jumped up and down on them. He found my actions funny, but stopped offering me sweets.

    I don't think your colleagues are deliberately trying to wreck your diet, they are just being friendly.
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    Toss it in the trash. Simple.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    As a baker and someone who gets serious pleasure of out seeing others enjoy whatever food I've made I can honestly say that I get bummed when people don't want to partake. When I make a new dinner I have to ask my husband what he thinks. If he has a criticism (which I welcome) it makes me feel a little sad because whether it's my fault or not, I obviously didn't get it right the first time. (Being pregnant does not help those feelings!)

    So, if someone brings in something homemade and gets their feelings hurt that others won't eat it, I understand that. If people are just shoving store bought candy and treats at you they're being rude if they don't take no for an answer.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    No one is sabotaging you. You make the choice to accept the cookies and junk food and eat it.

    They are probably just being nice and used to giving you things like this so don't take it out on them. Just gently say, "no thanks" or toss it, regift it, etc.
  • aaleigha1
    aaleigha1 Posts: 408 Member
    food pushers
    I have a few of them around me too
    however its MY eating plan and I want to be healthy for life
    so this means I dont want to be constantly depriving myself
    leave yourself a few extra calories to have ONE treat at work and make sure you are seen eating it say thank you - then say no thank you for the rest of the day

    go for a walk at your lunch break - or if its cold where you are walk around the building to get a few extra cals burnt
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    It's kind of funny... After saying that the reason I drink diet soda is because regular is too sweet for me people just assume that I don't like sweet foods so they don't usually offer me any. Maybe you could just tell them that you don't really like those things?
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    It's kind of funny... After saying that the reason I drink diet soda is because regular is too sweet for me people just assume that I don't like sweet foods so they don't usually offer me any. Maybe you could just tell them that you don't really like those things?

    I actually don't like sweets much at all, and people who know me know that. Periodically, people will still gift sweets, so I just say thanks and my husband eats them all.
  • Say no once, if they insist on giving it to you anyway, Throw it all in the bin in front of them. I bet they wont do it again. Make a big deal out of binning it too!! Well done for keeping strong x
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    It's ok, they are probably just trying to be nice, so just remind them every time they bring something to you that you are trying to loose weight, so please don't be offended by me not eating any.
    Also be appreciative of them including you, it sounds to me that is what they want. To include you in their reindeer games, it is not a bad thing at all, they just need to know you can still participate without eating.

    Good luck!

    Sorry Teagin, but she has a right to be offended when she makes it very clear from the beginning, "thanks but no thanks" - she shouldnt have to tell them she is trying to lose weight. The fact that they are disrespecting her 'no thank you' and just continue to push makes them in the wrong doubly so...

    To the OP -
    You can do either one of three things:

    1.) Give in to keep the peace (obviously you dont want to do that)
    2.) Let them put it on your desk. Once they leave, throw it away out of their view....
    3.) Let them put it on your desk. Once they leave, put it in the break room for someone else to grab.

    I work in a professional kitchen and let me tell you the tons and tons of treats, foods, sauces, dips that are often taste-tested and everyone wants each other's feedback... I simply tell them "no thank you" and get back to my work... when they try to push, I remind them that I would rather someone else taste-test because I cant eat alot of certain foods and dont need the allergic reaction... (it aint pretty, let me tell you) - I dont know what they put in it and they arent going to always remember everything they put in it as well....
  • beerbomber
    beerbomber Posts: 184 Member
    Only we can sabotage ourselves :)
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    I know this is tough but chuck it in the garbage. I don't even think you have to make a big deal out of it. Just don't succumb. It isn't worth it.
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    They're probably jealous of your accomplishments.
  • Fighting4Healthy
    Fighting4Healthy Posts: 336 Member
    You can do it!!!! My coworkers do the same thing, we just have to stay strong and not give in.... we can do it!
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    Hi I'm sure they aren't intentionally trying to sabotage your weightloss a lot of people just see offering treats as a way of being nice and nothing else. I bet they don't even think about the fact your on a diet they just like to offer.

    Good luck with your journey :)

    She told them she was trying to lose weight. It was intentional. Give her flowers, a poinsettia!!!
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Hi I'm sure they aren't intentionally trying to sabotage your weightloss a lot of people just see offering treats as a way of being nice and nothing else. I bet they don't even think about the fact your on a diet they just like to offer.

    Good luck with your journey :)

    She told them she was trying to lose weight. It was intentional. Give her flowers, a poinsettia!!!
