Coworkers are sabatoging me



  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    I have told my fellow coworkers that I'm trying to lose weight, but they keep trying to get me to eat cookies, cake, chocolate, ect. I realize it's the Christmas season, but I'm trying to be healthy an NOT gain a ton of weight during the holidays. I'm getting really frustrated! For instance, last night I told one girl thanks but no thanks to m&ms, but she put it on my desk anyway. Then another girl brought cakes and got mad when I told her I didn't want any but thanks anyway. Now I'm not a souless zombie, and I do budget for treats every day (can't live without Dove Dark Chocolate!) however, I'm tired of them pressuring me to eat junk. The kicker? Not a single one of them are as overweight as I am.

    I could really use some encouragement.

    The point is, whatever people "should" do, what they "are" doing is offering her food.

    You cannot control the actions of others, you can only control how you react.
  • starsnyc21
    starsnyc21 Posts: 436 Member
    Why on earth are people responding with such negative comments. All she ask for was some encouragement. Again would you offer a diabetic a cookie because it's the holiday season. WTH...this is about her health, taking control over her life. She should have full support. Not people telling her to suck it up cause it's the holidays.

    Losing weight is a life or death issue. I know some people do not get that because they think it's a vanity issue. Sampling a cookie or cake just so someone doesn't feel bad sounds stupid.

    We all have the right to turn down food and asking for encouragement should be allowed. Instead people are on here implying weakness.
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    Why on earth are people responding with such negative comments. All she ask for was some encouragement. Again would you offer a diabetic a cookie because it's the holiday season. WTH...this is about her health, taking control over her life. She should have full support. Not people telling her to suck it up cause it's the holidays.

    Losing weight is a life or death issue. I know some people do not get that because they think it's a vanity issue. Sampling a cookie or cake just so someone doesn't feel bad sounds stupid.

    We all have the right to turn down food and asking for encouragement should be allowed. Instead people are on here implying weakness.

    I guess I wasn't clear enough in my original post.
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    I know it's easier wrote than done but just ignore it if they get mad or keep doing this. That is what I do. If I don't want to eat something I don't. I never push food on people. The good thing is that these things don't really tempt me like they would have a year or so ago so if I do eat some it's no big deal. I totally understand your frustration though because personally if I knew someone was watching their food, I would respect that and not keep pushing it.. but that's just me. Just because it's the holiday season doesn't mean that everyone has to stuff their face until they feel sick you know? I don't like that feeling!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    It has to be me!!! It is intentional, She told them she wants to lose weight and they are giving her treats!!! They are NOT being nice, nor thoughtful, nor considerate. We are supposed to be considerate of others. They are not listening, Say, thank you and toss it in front of them. Perhaps, they are all deaf.

    Yes, it is intentional.

    This gave me a giggle. I know we toss around phrases like are "are you deaf?" pretty lightly, but most of my co-workers actually ARE Deaf and they don't push treats on me if I say no.

    To the OP - I don't think we'll ever understand other people's motivation in pushing food on you, and honestly it doesn't matter what their reason is.
    What matters is how you respond. It's not easy, but you have to decide for yourself how you are going to handle this.

    Saying no is obviously the best thing, but we all know that sometimes doesn't stop people. What happens next it up to you.
    If you don't want to eat the chocolate they've left on your desk, give it to someone else or take a quick walk away from your desk and toss it in the bin. If their feelings get hurt by you tossing something (when you've already said no), then that's something they have to deal with.

    Having treats you don't want to eat around you is always going to happen for one reason or another and I think that finding ways to deal with this is an important part of losing weight and keeping it off.
  • Teliooo
    Teliooo Posts: 725 Member
    Why on earth are people responding with such negative comments. All she ask for was some encouragement. Again would you offer a diabetic a cookie because it's the holiday season. WTH...this is about her health, taking control over her life. She should have full support. Not people telling her to suck it up cause it's the holidays.

    Losing weight is a life or death issue. I know some people do not get that because they think it's a vanity issue. Sampling a cookie or cake just so someone doesn't feel bad sounds stupid.

    We all have the right to turn down food and asking for encouragement should be allowed. Instead people are on here implying weakness.

    I guess I wasn't clear enough in my original post.

    Hats of to you for not eating it. I think all you were looking for is encouragement and luckily most people have given that to you. Stick to your guns, you will get there. I tend to just chuck it in the bin or give it to my partner. Even then I don't like giving him the food as just because he is skinny, does not mean his insides are any better than a fat person's.

    I was guilty myself last week of buying cakes for the whole office. 2 of the women are on a diet and i immedietly said just give it back to me and apologised a lot. I was really just trying to be nice but as soon as I remembered I took them away immediatley. Just because I have will power now, does not mean that I expect others to and i respect their actions totally, unlike some who will try to make you eat it. I would never put it on someone's desk if they said no. Also I HATE being wasteful and knowing food is being chucked away with millions starving, it is just wrong in my eyes.
  • starsnyc21
    starsnyc21 Posts: 436 Member
    Why on earth are people responding with such negative comments. All she ask for was some encouragement. Again would you offer a diabetic a cookie because it's the holiday season. WTH...this is about her health, taking control over her life. She should have full support. Not people telling her to suck it up cause it's the holidays.

    Losing weight is a life or death issue. I know some people do not get that because they think it's a vanity issue. Sampling a cookie or cake just so someone doesn't feel bad sounds stupid.

    We all have the right to turn down food and asking for encouragement should be allowed. Instead people are on here implying weakness.

    I guess I wasn't clear enough in my original post.

    I hope you stay strong. You are doing the right thing for you by turning down the food.

    Also, if they were being nice to you, they would support your effort on losing weight. I would have another conversation with your coworkers. Good luck!
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    Why on earth are people responding with such negative comments. All she ask for was some encouragement. Again would you offer a diabetic a cookie because it's the holiday season. WTH...this is about her health, taking control over her life. She should have full support. Not people telling her to suck it up cause it's the holidays.

    Losing weight is a life or death issue. I know some people do not get that because they think it's a vanity issue. Sampling a cookie or cake just so someone doesn't feel bad sounds stupid.

    We all have the right to turn down food and asking for encouragement should be allowed. Instead people are on here implying weakness.

    I guess I wasn't clear enough in my original post.

    Hats of to you for not eating it. I think all you were looking for is encouragement and luckily most people have given that to you. Stick to your guns, you will get there. I tend to just chuck it in the bin or give it to my partner. Even then I don't like giving him the food as just because he is skinny, does not mean his insides are any better than a fat person's.

    I was guilty myself last week of buying cakes for the whole office. 2 of the women are on a diet and i immedietly said just give it back to me and apologised a lot. I was really just trying to be nice but as soon as I remembered I took them away immediatley. Just because I have will power now, does not mean that I expect others to and i respect their actions totally, unlike some who will try to make you eat it. I would never put it on someone's desk if they said no. Also I HATE being wasteful and knowing food is being chucked away with millions starving, it is just wrong in my eyes.

  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    Oh and they probably work out too... and have never let themselves get into a state... they're not doing anything magic, they don;t have any metabolism different to you unless they're exercising maybe slightly and only SLIGHTLY higher. And they probably know how to exercise moderation...

    I dont eat the stuff. Being obese isn't a matter of weakness or sloppiness. I make no excuses for my weight or lifestyle or diet and am actively changing my lifestyle and increasing my activity level. Again this is a MOTIVATIONAL AND SUPPORT forum. I came here to get encouragement and support, and not to be torn down. I am not weak, I know how to exercise moderation. Why do you think I am changing my lifestyle.

    I totally support you. It is sad that others see my post as funny or sad. So, be it. You can do it. I see you mentioned that these people didn't start offering till after you told them you were watching your diet. No, you cannot control what they do ,but try to learn from it. The next time you have a goal, tell only those you are close to.
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    Why on earth are people responding with such negative comments. All she ask for was some encouragement. Again would you offer a diabetic a cookie because it's the holiday season. WTH...this is about her health, taking control over her life. She should have full support. Not people telling her to suck it up cause it's the holidays.

    Losing weight is a life or death issue. I know some people do not get that because they think it's a vanity issue. Sampling a cookie or cake just so someone doesn't feel bad sounds stupid.

    We all have the right to turn down food and asking for encouragement should be allowed. Instead people are on here implying weakness.

    I guess I wasn't clear enough in my original post.

    Hats of to you for not eating it. I think all you were looking for is encouragement and luckily most people have given that to you. Stick to your guns, you will get there. I tend to just chuck it in the bin or give it to my partner. Even then I don't like giving him the food as just because he is skinny, does not mean his insides are any better than a fat person's.

    I was guilty myself last week of buying cakes for the whole office. 2 of the women are on a diet and i immedietly said just give it back to me and apologised a lot. I was really just trying to be nice but as soon as I remembered I took them away immediatley. Just because I have will power now, does not mean that I expect others to and i respect their actions totally, unlike some who will try to make you eat it. I would never put it on someone's desk if they said no. Also I HATE being wasteful and knowing food is being chucked away with millions starving, it is just wrong in my eyes.


    I am lucky that my husband works in the same hospital, since he makes sure I have healthy stuff to eat as an alternative to junk food.
  • Teliooo
    Teliooo Posts: 725 Member
    I really do hate chucking the food away. A little of me dies. Also it tastes sooooo goood. Haha.
  • Betsybeee
    Betsybeee Posts: 113 Member
    I actually told someone on Friday to leave my office! This was after telling her at least 5 times that I don't want it and to stop tempting me. She was very aggresive and kept pushing cookies at me. I couldn't believe it.. But I didn't give in............
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    I actually told someone on Friday to leave my office! This was after telling her at least 5 times that I don't want it and to stop tempting me. She was very aggresive and kept pushing cookies at me. I couldn't believe it.. But I didn't give in............

    I'm glad I'm not the only one.
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    I actually told someone on Friday to leave my office! This was after telling her at least 5 times that I don't want it and to stop tempting me. She was very aggresive and kept pushing cookies at me. I couldn't believe it.. But I didn't give in............
    Thank You!!!
  • dcarreno
    Try this method say go fwk yourselfs I am in this thing to change my life I will have some M&Ms when I am good and damn well ready as for you cake am not even going to tell you where to shove that stuff. No but seriously if you are working the exercise portion a treat now and then is ok just if it is that a treat... Well good luck. sister
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Only YOU can sabatoge you
  • nicoleh82
    I have told my fellow coworkers that I'm trying to lose weight, but they keep trying to get me to eat cookies, cake, chocolate, ect. I realize it's the Christmas season, but I'm trying to be healthy an NOT gain a ton of weight during the holidays. I'm getting really frustrated! For instance, last night I told one girl thanks but no thanks to m&ms, but she put it on my desk anyway. Then another girl brought cakes and got mad when I told her I didn't want any but thanks anyway. Now I'm not a souless zombie, and I do budget for treats every day (can't live without Dove Dark Chocolate!) however, I'm tired of them pressuring me to eat junk. The kicker? Not a single one of them are as overweight as I am.

    I could really use some encouragement.

    I'll be honest... I've found that people want YOU to eat in order to make themselves feel better about eating it. They know you are trying to lose weight and they aren't trying to sabotage you directly. They are trying to feel less guilty about consuming this stuff and if YOU eat it, well.. they feel less guilty. Twisted justification (the girl who is "dieting" ate it, so I can eat it too!), but I've found this to be how it is with people. They KNOW it isn't good for them, but they can't say no to it. If you say no, they feel guilt. If they convince you to eat it, well they feel better about eating it too.

    I used to have a girl at work who would constantly buy me cookies and cream Hershey bars. I HATE white chocolate and would always politely decline them. She would tell me "It won't kill you to eat chocolate!" and I would say "Perhaps not, but if I am gonna waste 150 calories on something? it will be something I actually LIKE".

    "I'll be honest... I've found that people want YOU to eat in order to make themselves feel better about eating it." I agree whole heartedly with this.

    If they leave it on your desk, bin it.

    At the moment we have a lot of birthdays at work, near xmas. It's not good and trying to keep away is very hard. The only person whom you need to consider at the moment is you and your goals.

    The truth is that skinny people just do not understand what it is to have weight issues. I just try to remember, even if they are skinny, it does not meant that they are healthy.
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    No one is sabotaging you. You make the choice to accept the cookies and junk food and eat it.

    They are probably just being nice and used to giving you things like this so don't take it out on them. Just gently say, "no thanks" or toss it, regift it, etc.

    If there was a "like button" I'd be pressing it for this comment. I agree with this 100% :)
  • grannygethealthy1111
    No one can sabotage you without your permission. Just say "no" and walk away. Go for a walk on your breaks and at lunch.
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    To the OP, I would like to direct you to a blog post I wrote a couple of weeks ago. Now, understand that I had a few shots of vodka in me, so it's not, as we say...tactful. However, it is honest.

    It's the post titled, "listen, All, Y'all..this is sabotage."

    Read it. Or not.