

  • Wow! Thanks. This website is awesome!
  • I have watched the biggest loser and it actually does make me feel motivated. I've never thought about buying the DVDs though. Perhaps I'll give that a shot for some motivation :smile:
  • Wow thanks! I'm definitely going to try some of these. I have heard an elliptical is a good way to burn calories so I'm thinking about purchasing one. The Jillian Micheal's DVD sounds like it's a good workout too. I have a friend who does Zumba and she says it's really fun to do. I'm definitely going to get some of these…
  • Welcome! I was in the same boat as you. But this website really helps you keep track and watch what you eat! One thing that many people now don't do because they have work or are too busy is eat properly. Instead of eating 3 meal (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) eat 6 meals. That's breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner,…