Carenath Member


  • Figured I'd poke the idle group in case the couple members here are still around :) ~Carenath
  • Hello all :) I figure why not poke the inactive thread and wake it up :) I go by Carenath in the fandom, and am a dragon residing in Pensacola FL... though not all that great at being fierce (except when staring down a plate of Sushi or visiting Fogo de Chao.. >_> ). I'm on here to lose about 30lbs and get back into shape.…
  • A fellow furry(dragon) from Pensacola here :) Yeah... we're pretty much everywhere.. lol
  • My main issue with anything I would honestly say is motivation. Outside of that fact, I'd say that I haven't played any sports other than billiards in a very long time so I really wouldn't be very useful to any team.. hehe. I'd probably get quite a bit of exercise as they ran me off the field though :)
  • Thanks for the welcome, honestly didn't expect to see any response from anyone this fast on an introduction thread. :) I'm torn between the two notions really. I dont know that I'm interested in 'body-building' but I know that I'm far from what I would regard as in-shape. The question of gaining weight vs losing weight for…
  • Okay.. I have to chime in here, as a member of the Hash House Harriers I would have to say that you most certainly can lose weight while drinking. I know of several hashers which are in very impressive shape, and drink like a fish :) Now, of course like anything else, proper moderation applies and all that.