

  • Track everything! I've said it before and I'll say it again; how well you do on this site is entirely up to you. The better you track what you eat, the more weight you'll lose. Even if it means logging in on days you slip up and over-eat, it's worth it. We're all human, and sometimes we mess up, but logging in absolutely…
  • The more the merrier right?
  • Very well said. Don't rush things. There's no point in losing weight in an unhealthy way. You'll just put in all back on and put yourself at risk in losing the weight initially.
  • 500 calories sounds realllllllllly unhealthy, and is probably a pretty terrible idea in all honestly. You're body need energy to function, and with that few calories you internal organs may well not be getting enough energy to keep up their basic functions properly. Don't try and lose weight just to look good. Do it to…
  • 5 lbs in 2 weeks is fine for the first 2 weeks. You probably don't want to be losing weight any faster that that anyway. Give it another 2 weeks, and see how things are going then. You may find that your weight loss slows down, at which point you can make adjustments, but honestly 2.5lb / week can be a lot. Don't rush…
    in HELP! Comment by stevepayette March 2011
  • I do my best to space my calories out throughout the day. If on an average day I'm supposed to eat 1600 calories, and I'm awake for 16 hours, that means 100 calories each hour. This doesn't work perfectly as I tend to eat a bit more in the evenings then I probably should, so I often am a bit hungry in the hour or two…
  • Not sure exactly what you meant, but if you meant other people are saying they see that you've lost weight but you can't see it yourself, that happens. We see our own bodies everyday, so sometimes because the change day to day is so small we lose sight of the overall progress we've made. Someone else who might not see you…
  • My advice, log EVERYTHING! You have to be disciplined to get yourself started. Eventually you'll get a feel for how much you should be eating, and you'll get into a healthy routine, but to break the bad habits, you have to be honest about what you put into your body. Don't cheat, even if it means logging in that you went…
  • Yeah I was going to chalk it up mostly to water weight, but I'm now 3 weeks in so I would've thought any water weight would've dropped earlier. Anyway, I think I'll just keep going as is and see how things go next week. Thanks for all the thoughts!