New to MFP - really hope this helps!!

Hi everyone!
I've just started up on here because I am getting sick of falling into the same bad habits of mindlessly eating anything and everything whenever I'm bored, over-tired or having an off-day! I know its so unhealthy and I need to take responsibility for my actions now - this might be the best tool to help me do that!

Really hoping that by sharing and recording everything, it will help me to be more aware and have more control - would REALLY appreciate any support/advice as I start this journey - hoping I can kick those bad habits in the butt once and for all!!

Kris :)


  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    Welcome Kris! This site has worked wonders for me so far, and I'm sure if you stick to it, you will see results as well. Good luck!
  • Mishy
    Mishy Posts: 1,551 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome, this is a great place to be! Good Luck on your journey!
  • stevepayette
    My advice, log EVERYTHING!

    You have to be disciplined to get yourself started. Eventually you'll get a feel for how much you should be eating, and you'll get into a healthy routine, but to break the bad habits, you have to be honest about what you put into your body. Don't cheat, even if it means logging in that you went over, log it. If a bad day comes along and you're way over, log it. It'll mean you can look back and see where you went wrong and what you're doing right, and gives you the best chance of making things work.

    Good luck!
  • Okgirl
    Okgirl Posts: 12
    Welcome Kris.
    I haven't been on long but this site has really helped me in the right direction so far.
    Goodluck. :happy:
  • BryanAir
    BryanAir Posts: 434
    As long as you make a commitment to logging everything then it should really help you end the mindless eating. That was my number 1 problem and logging really solved it for me easily. Just give it enough time to become a habit and you should be successful.
  • SpartanHard
    SpartanHard Posts: 170 Member
    I wish you good luck. However you need to realize this site is not a magic bullet. There are no magic bullets. You have to be dedicated and determined enough to log in everyday and document your food and put in your tiime. Its not easy. Just remember those that have been successful here are successful because of the hard work and dedication they put in. Not because MFP is some secret weight loss solution.

    Hard work, dedication and consistency
  • kris_g
    kris_g Posts: 3
    Thanks so much for the warm welcomes!!
    Thats very good advice Steve, it will be very hard to do as I often feel disgusted at how easliy I can lose control but here I won't be able to hide that anymore..Starting today! :embarassed:
    I'm looking forward to making a change - and finding a plan that I can stick to and create new healthier habits for life!! :happy:
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Welcome! If you stick to it, it will for sure help!

    Good luck on your journey!