

  • Thanks, I think I'll try it for the experience but even I thought 1000 was a little high, especially when you can run for an hour and burn less. Everyone who tries it seems to enjoy it so its worth a try.
  • Yeah try the friending people, that way you'll have people to motivate you. Also, if they have it by you, try joining a gym, or a kickboxing class. You have to try to find something that involves interaction with other people like yourself trying to get in shape. If you try to motivate yourself all the time, it gets really…
  • WBond, what do you think of Insanity since I'm thinking you've tried it. I saw an infomercial and it seemed awesome. And Shreddinmomma, Good for you, you;ve lost a lot!!!
  • Absolutely and thank you to you, Mrs Pike and Change is good. I just learned how to friend so I will now. Hopefully this will help stay motivated knowing people are watching :)
  • That's horrible and I'm sorry you had to endure that. The fact that your still going on gives hope because that sounds pretty awful. Good for you. I dont know how to friend people because I'm still new though :(