Disappointed in myself..

I am very disappointed in myself.

I have let myself go over the past two months and have lost what I was fighting for. What happened to my motivation? It just randomly disappears. People tell me that it's because I'm getting bored with the exercises that I'm doing but I really, honestly don't feel that's the case. I change it up and do different things, I just suddenly lose my fight, my drive, my "go". I think it's because all I've got is myself and nobody to push me forward.

I'm going to start over again. It's time to start logging into myfitnesspal every day again, time to start over with my Insanity workouts and for once make it through the entire 60 days, time to start taking pictures of myself each week so I can actually see the progress, time to finally reach my goal weight. I want to feel confident with my body. I want to feel beautiful.

I decided to post this as a forum topic because I felt like it may make me feel more accountable to tell everyone reading it instead of just telling myself I'll do it. I really want to do this for me, and I really hope I can get back on track with the healthy life style that I want for myself.

If you're reading this, thanks for listening. :)


  • m3isme
    m3isme Posts: 9
    You should "friend" some people here on MFP that can help you with accountability! Good LUCK! :smile:
  • TisMee76
    TisMee76 Posts: 67 Member
    Well, you're not alone here! You have all the support you'll ever need here! And we're all here to pick each other up when we have our bad days and to pat you on your back when you've had a good day!

    And I can relate to everything you just said! I was just thinking yesterday what happened to that girl who, only 6 months ago, was going to the gym almost everyday and loving it! I'd walk out of there on a high swearing I would never stop. Then one day is all it took for me to lose all my motivation!

    Now, 10kg's heavier, I'm determined again. I do wonder how long I'm going to keep it up for this time...but I'm really hoping, with all the support of my friends on here...it'll be a long time!

    I'm adding you as a friend. Feel free to vent / whinge / cry / laugh with me anytime!
  • Kougra
    Kougra Posts: 358 Member
    Good for you! Good LUCK!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,308 Member
    I'm single, and all of my family has passed away. I know about difficulty in motivation. Just keep trying. It is just as hard, or harder for those who have to deal with living with husbands or children for whom low calorie diets are not going to happen.

    Rejoice in the fact you get to make your own decisions about food, exercise and sleeping.

    Bloom where you're planted.:flowerforyou:

    I will learn to type, I will learn to type.
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    I definitely relate. I've been battling myself every day to keep going when I really just want to give up. Normally I don't fight this hard, but I really want to be skinny and eating more isn't going to help me do it. Good luck getting back to it!
  • Yeah try the friending people, that way you'll have people to motivate you. Also, if they have it by you, try joining a gym, or a kickboxing class. You have to try to find something that involves interaction with other people like yourself trying to get in shape. If you try to motivate yourself all the time, it gets really hard. I also keep a really horrendous picture of myself at a wedding on my nightstand. That helps
  • minadeathclutch
    minadeathclutch Posts: 375 Member
    YOU GOT THIS. were all in it together!
  • SoldierDad
    SoldierDad Posts: 1,602
    I am very disappointed in myself.

    I have let myself go over the past two months and have lost what I was fighting for. What happened to my motivation? It just randomly disappears. People tell me that it's because I'm getting bored with the exercises that I'm doing but I really, honestly don't feel that's the case. I change it up and do different things, I just suddenly lose my fight, my drive, my "go". I think it's because all I've got is myself and nobody to push me forward.

    I'm going to start over again. It's time to start logging into myfitnesspal every day again, time to start over with my Insanity workouts and for once make it through the entire 60 days, time to start taking pictures of myself each week so I can actually see the progress, time to finally reach my goal weight. I want to feel confident with my body. I want to feel beautiful.

    I decided to post this as a forum topic because I felt like it may make me feel more accountable to tell everyone reading it instead of just telling myself I'll do it. I really want to do this for me, and I really hope I can get back on track with the healthy life style that I want for myself.

    If you're reading this, thanks for listening. :)

    Sorry but I can't allow you to be disapointed in yourself. We all struggle and we all make mistakes but we have to let it go. You are a special & beautiful woman and I need you to know it and own it right now. Start fresh tomorrow but don't get down on yourself. Let your warrior heart out and kick some butt baby. This cowboy has faith in you!
  • mlm7126
    mlm7126 Posts: 30 Member
    I can totally relate...I'm having good days and bad days and tend to beat myself up when I'm not living up to my own expectations. Just remember that getting healthy is a marathon and not a sprint - and we're all in this together!
  • DRJJ2004
    DRJJ2004 Posts: 186 Member
    Definitely friend some people. We'll notice when your not under your calorie goal for the day, or if you haven't excercised, or if you haven't logged in for a few days. We're all here to help one another and make a few...or a lot...of friends along the way!! :O) Feel free to friend me if you like.


    P.S. It might help if you tell us how much you want us to keep you accountable..we don't want to sound like pests...it's all about helping you. :O)
  • CaptainMFP
    CaptainMFP Posts: 440 Member
    I've posted this before, but I'll share it with you. It's something I tell my students often...many of whom desperately want into allied health programs where sub-A grades are not acceptable.

    We all fall down. It is to be human to err and we all fall down. The measure of a person is not whether they fall (all do) or even how often they fall...the true measure of character is how you respond when you do fall. A defeat is only permanent if you allow it to be.

    You are clearly approaching your situation with character -- you've acknowledged your stumble and are taking responsibility for it by taking actions to improve your situations. This is commendable and shows you have the capacity to be successful. I wish you the best of luck on your journey. You are welcome to send a friend request my way if you like.
  • dopehat
    dopehat Posts: 33 Member
    Hi there. I know what you totally know what you mean about the motivation. It's wonderful that you're feeling determined again. MFP will definitely help, especially when you add friends who will encourage you. And it definitely helps to be accountable. I think taking notes (whether they be mental or on paper) of your goals is a great thing. And not just weight loss goals, things like "I want to cut down my soda intake to once a week" and so on.

    GOOD LUCK!! We're all going through this together.
  • wlddove
    wlddove Posts: 85 Member
    You can totally do this! Don't give up!! I've been "losing" weight since 2006. I do good for a few months and drop lots of pounds, then I get lazy for a while and gain a few back. In the end, I'm still healthier and weigh less than I used to. Just don't ever give up! One day it will click, and it'll become a lifestyle instead of just a "diet". I think that's where I'm at this time around... Most days I win the fight with temptation... but some days I lose in a big way. I had to realize that exercise and eating right are not punishments... they are proof that I am worth it to take care of myself! Don't beat yourself up when you slip up. Enjoy the day, and get back on track the next! Best of luck to you!!!
  • mmccullough2
    mmccullough2 Posts: 17 Member
    Hey, it happens. it's good you are back on track. For me it helps to acknowledge that it as a lifestyle change rather than a temporary deviation from "my normal". Healthy food and exercise is the new me! Also, yes, going to spinning or kickboxing classes so that it becomes a habit and a social activity seems like a great idea. Welcome back...
  • Uhlissuh
    Uhlissuh Posts: 23 Member
    Thank you, everybody, for your supportive, encouraging and helpful words. All of your posts brought a smile to my face! So thank you, thank you, thank you!

    You are all beyond awesome. :)
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    Try not to let the disappointment really get to you. Sometimes I let it get to me so much that I just feel like crap and I get obsessive and it just gets worse. :(

    Do you have any friends IRL that you can workout with?? Earlier this summer I was doing Insanity workouts with some friends who were doing the program, and walking with my cousin and doing my own workouts. Working out with other people is a good motivator. As well as having somebody who wants to eat healthy who can motivate you to skip the crap and eat better. That I do not have...I get a stupid look when I say I don't want ice cream because I really need to eat better...

    Also, friend people on here. That should help. I'm on here basically because I know of some other people who are on here that I can try to connect with.
  • mariasheehan
    mariasheehan Posts: 335
    don't be dissapointed, this is a lifelong journey, there are going to be lots of ups and downs. I'm on maintenance and am finding it waaaaay harder than the actual weight loss, so I totally understand how you feel. I've just given myself and kick up the butt, so please friend me too if you need some support x
  • Momma_Toni
    Momma_Toni Posts: 2 Member
    Just gotta restart. I lost 30 lbs and gained 15 of it back. So I know I can do it, I just gotta get up and do it right. So I need to motivate myself and remember that I am worth it. You are worth it. I work out and chant " fight the fat". Good luck!