ogibson3 Member


  • Everyone is a nutritionist, dietition, bariatric MD and a physical trainer once they find out you're dieting. But the advice is usally to tell you that what you are doing is wrong. :huh:
  • I also can drink more water with a straw, I don't know why. Also take water with you where ever you go, you'll find yourself picking it up and sipping from it kinda like checking your cell phone. If I take water with me in the car I constantly pick it up even when Im not thirsty. Or if I'm watching TV I sit it close by so…
  • Get a George Foreman grill and be open to eating new things. I don't know how to cook but I can open a few can of vegetables and put them in a pot on the stove, add a little seasoning and you got a meal; Put some fish or chicken breast on the grill and you're done in less than 30 min.
  • I have a cheat day to eat whatever I want once a week, after the weight starts to come off I even try not to do it too bad on those days. "Cheat" days gives me something to look forward to all week, it's kinda like motivation. I usually feel better after that day which is on Saturdays and ready to hit it hard on Sunday.…