Stupid things people say when they hear you're dieting



  • DeanneLea
    DeanneLea Posts: 261
    "You need to live a meal isn't going to kill you"

    What I want to say:
    "I drink beer, wine and eat steaks, fries, etc throughout my week. This particular meal isn't worth splurging on to me so I'm taking it easy."
  • C_June
    C_June Posts: 48
    "It's good what you're doing now, but we're big people. You're gonna look like your mother when you get older."

    My mom is obese with diabetes and is trying to do better. And your body doesn't just pull fat out of the air because the rest of your family is overweight. -.- Thanks dad, from both of us.

  • C_June
    C_June Posts: 48
    How about "how can you afford that eating healthy is so expensive I cant do it"

    because a heart attack is a lot more expensive.
  • L00py_T0ucan
    L00py_T0ucan Posts: 1,378 Member
    not sure if its stupid, but it was frustrating to hear:

    "you'd think the weight would be just dropping off with all this running you're doing"

    ^ uh huh totally this...i don't talk about the running much b/c then people give you the once over and wonder:

    'why isn't she stringy like a runner?'
    'how fast are you?'

    i just like running. yes, i'm slow. why do people have a problem with that?
    It's hard to explain that I like to do something that I'm not particularly good at. :laugh:
  • juliee274
    juliee274 Posts: 124 Member
    - You don't need to diet! OR You're dieting? Why?

    - You can just have one (cookie, ice cream, piece of friend chicken, etc. bite/item), can't you?

    - I hate dieting/ I can never diet/ I'd hate to be you.

    - Oh, God! Guess that means you're going to be policing everything I eat now!
  • misticache
    misticache Posts: 364 Member
    "Better be careful." I hate this line.. I mean, seriously... how can I be careless in losing fat when it comes to my health. It's offending to me because I did my research for eating healthy and exercise, and even planned it all out nicely! No excess of dieting or starving, and no excess or little exercises.

    I get this all the time from hubby when I'm exercising more then a few days in a row or I tell him I'm going to increase my workout time.

    My kids will say "how much longer do we have to eat this crap" <---crap is baked chicken, fresh steamed veggies, homemade mashed potatoes (not instant)
  • BeetleChe13
    BeetleChe13 Posts: 498 Member
    As I'm eating [insert delicious, "normal" food here}... "Doesn't that break your diet?"
    No, I'm not on a diet. I'm living a healthier lifestyle, which leaves plenty of room for eating whatever I want. Just less frequently, in smaller portions, etc.
  • What bugs me most is hanging out with my skinny friends and they say "well, you can have just one! omg just eat some, you just cant eat it everyday" or "omg it is okay to eat it today, you will be fine" but to me, since I usually hang out with them multiple times of the week, it is like okay hey now, if i ate everytime we hung out and you said to have just one, i wouldnt see any results! drives me nuts. Also it bugs me when you make plans with someone to work out with you and they ditch you over and over and then say "i love having a workout buddy! i am so glad i have been working out with you" i feel like saying "uh.... you have worked out with me 4 times out of the 30 times over the past 6 week period, what do you mean you like having a workout buddy? cuz i sure dont!"
  • FrostyFour
    FrostyFour Posts: 262
    "It's good what you're doing now, but we're big people. You're gonna look like your mother when you get older."

    My mom is obese with diabetes and is trying to do better. And your body doesn't just pull fat out of the air because the rest of your family is overweight. -.- Thanks dad, from both of us.


    HAHAHAHAHA OK that was funny
  • femmi1120
    femmi1120 Posts: 473 Member
    Oh another one...

    snide comments from my dad and sometimes my mom anytime they sees me eating sweets or something unhealthy....
    "how many calories does that have? 3000?"
    "how much running is it going to take to burn that off?"
    "oh did you quit your diet?"

    What I want to say to them "You're ****ing obese (dad) and you got your body with lipo and a tummy tuck (mom), therefore both of your opinions are invalid!"
  • C_June
    C_June Posts: 48
    "It's good what you're doing now, but we're big people. You're gonna look like your mother when you get older."

    My mom is obese with diabetes and is trying to do better. And your body doesn't just pull fat out of the air because the rest of your family is overweight. -.- Thanks dad, from both of us.


    HAHAHAHAHA OK that was funny

    fockse is making some awesome changes! her family just wants an excuse to not work their *kitten* off like she is.
  • tweetybaby69
    tweetybaby69 Posts: 258 Member
    "It's about time. I was wondering how big your *kitten* would get this time before you finally decided to stop stuffing your face"

    "I'm happy you've been losing some weight but you're not done yet, right? I mean you're still pretty big"

    OK, those comments are just rude!!! And they actually think its helpful?? SMH! :grumble:
  • C_June
    C_June Posts: 48
    Oh another one...

    snide comments from my dad and sometimes my mom anytime they sees me eating sweets or something unhealthy....
    "how many calories does that have? 3000?"
    "how much running is it going to take to burn that off?"
    "oh did you quit your diet?"

    What I want to say to them "You're ****ing obese (dad) and you got your body with lipo and a tummy tuck (mom), therefore both of your opinions are invalid!"

    youre allowed to put your parents in their place from time to time. some people need to know where boundaries are. its not disrespect. its setting boundaries.
  • bubbles1212
    bubbles1212 Posts: 206 Member
    "Should you really be eating that??"
    "I don't need to eat like you, I don't need to lose weight!!" ... from the hubs and the kids..
    funny, this is what my daughter will say, and my mother-in-law said "so how many peices of pizza are u "allowed" to have"
    everyone says "should u be eating that" its like yeah i should im accounting for it and its not your business, im the one keeping track of what i eat not you!
    I'm glad I'm not the only one dealing with this and annoyed by it!!! :happy:
  • salmat77
    salmat77 Posts: 310 Member
    "It's about time. I was wondering how big your *kitten* would get this time before you finally decided to stop stuffing your face"

    "I'm happy you've been losing some weight but you're not done yet, right? I mean you're still pretty big"

    OMG this made me gag what the hell people, that's sooo mean!! :mad:
  • ttaylor68913
    ttaylor68913 Posts: 320 Member
    "Wouldn't it be easier just to have liposuction?"

    No really, someone said this to me...

    it would be "easier" but cost a zillon dollars more.. and doesnt teach you to do it right, you regain and have to do it again.. I think i may have slapped them
  • thetrishwarp
    thetrishwarp Posts: 838 Member
    "you don't need to get skinnier, look, you have hip bones!"

    everyone has hip bones... you can just feel mine now. i'm still on the line between healthy and overweight.
  • Circle12
    Circle12 Posts: 22
    "Everytime I see you look smaller and smaller - shaking the head with disgust" - DUH, is that not the point?........
  • ogibson3
    ogibson3 Posts: 4 Member
    Everyone is a nutritionist, dietition, bariatric MD and a physical trainer once they find out you're dieting. But the advice is usally to tell you that what you are doing is wrong. :huh:
  • misticache
    misticache Posts: 364 Member
    This is meant to be supportive lol (we have a sick sense of humor in my family). I will fall off the wagon so to speak and binge on junk food and hubby will say "I'll miss you when you're gone" :noway: Seriously dude not helping but I love you for trying.