

  • I would just move to a differant area that is safer. I own a gun and I can honestly say I have never even thought about having to take it out on my run or walk. I live in a pretty calm area. Maybe you should look into getting a gym membership.
  • 8 lbs in three months isn't bad. Maybe your stressing to much about losing weight. Stress will also affect your diet. Keep doing what your doing and relax a little. Make sure your calories are good calories that can be broken down by the body and not alot of calories of fats and sugars. Strength training is a great way to…
  • Muscle weighs more than fat, so if you are doing any kind of strength training the scale is not the way to measure your success. I may weigh myself every other week or every three weeks just to make sure I am maintaining. The best way to measure is to take actual measurements of various body parts rather than get on a…
  • Good for you girl!! keep up the good work!!