I need Help someone please help me :o)

So I've been on a 1200 calorie diet for about 2 months going on 3 I'm 5'4 and my starting weight was 155 and i'm down to 147 I cannot and mean cannot get under 145 I drink 64 ounces of water a day and work out 4-5 days a week including Zumba and Pilates. I'm not going to quit what i'm doing because it's healthy but I'm really fustrated I cannot lose anymore weight is there any advice or tips anyone could give me? I'm getting married next summer so I want to look good in my wedding dress :o) As well as halloween coming up I want to lose weight for that as well!


  • Are you eating enough if you are working out loads?
  • jazzkat68
    jazzkat68 Posts: 101 Member
    What about your sodium intake? Its a nasty little bugger!
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Eat more. Eat back your exercise calories.
  • i know this sounds funny but you need to eat more to lose. Your body may be hanging on to the weight because it feels that you are in a time of lack of food, so it is adapting by holding on to the weight. If you are exercising alot, you need to eat back those calories to let your body know that you are not trying to starve it.
  • NicolCook
    NicolCook Posts: 489 Member
    I'd say try eating back your exercise calories and keep up the good work!!
  • MsAlvarez87
    MsAlvarez87 Posts: 1 Member
    I would say , up you protein, and try to cut out as much carbs. I am drinking one protein shake for breakfast and dinner and then i eat a regular healthy low carb meal for lunch at about 400 cal. Have healthy snacks and maybe up your water.
  • I was stuck for about 3 weeks , I started eating more ( because I wasnt eating 1200 a day) and changed my workouts up now two to three days a week I do cardio in the morning and at night, the fist week I broke through and lost 2 lbs
  • 8 lbs in three months isn't bad. Maybe your stressing to much about losing weight. Stress will also affect your diet. Keep doing what your doing and relax a little. Make sure your calories are good calories that can be broken down by the body and not alot of calories of fats and sugars. Strength training is a great way to lose weight. It increased your matabolism because your muscles are constantly working to repair themselves. Cardio is awesome but pick up some weights and start lifting!!
  • See I was confused with that and was not eating back my calories for about 2 weeks but now since last monday I've been eating back my calories my sodium intake usually stays under 2500 I also had my gall bladder removed last summer I don't know if that would have anything to do with it either
  • babygurl48
    babygurl48 Posts: 1,236 Member
    tried to look at your diary..make it public so we can see what u are eating..maybe we can help u there... also u might want to vary your excercises.. more on one day, less another.. take rest days.. as well, try zig-zagging your calories.
  • bump up your calorie intake to 1500 for a couple days to confuse your body
  • Hi there, I know many people that start dieting and working out and gain weight. This mostly because muscle weighs more than fat. Also most people plateau at a certain weight, be persistant you will get there. Take measurements to see if you have lost inches instead of pounds.

    good luck!:happy:
  • jaramae
    jaramae Posts: 100 Member
    Well one possibility might be the type of foods you're eating exactly. People can stay under the 1200 mark but if you're eating two burgers and a can of coke, its not really the right track to a better you. Evaluate the amount of sugars you're getting, where its coming from, if you're eating enough protein and if your carbs are complex and coming from good sources.

    Perhaps your body has adjusted to your workouts or maybe you're not breaking enough of a sweat through the work out anymore? Higher intensity and variety might help you break that plateau.

    Overall it sounds like you're doing a good job for yourself. Have you tried evaluating your measurements? Perhaps its not coming off on the scale but the inches might see a change.

    Every body is different and takes experimentation esp after a few months of your routine. I'm glad you're not giving up because you're right, at the end of the day whether you see it on the scale you are continually improving your health. Keep at it and I'm sure with time and a little experimentation, your results will improve.

    P.S. congrats on your upcoming marriage. :)
  • aochoa123
    aochoa123 Posts: 299 Member
    without seeing your diary we can only guess but what I do is watch sodium, get pleanty of protien and drink a lot of water. I would say even more than the 64 oz maybe up to 80. also try uping your calories to maybe 1400 for a week or two.
  • Change your setting to less sugar, your calories might be fine, but watch natural sugars and other foods high in sugars. Also, sometimes exercising a lot will get you more hungry and you might be eating more. Hope this helps you. Good luck!
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    if your within 20 pounds of your goal weight you should be set to loose .5 or 1pound per week not 2 pounds. Change your settings and eat the amount given plus your exercise cals.
  • You need to eat more, body is going into starvation mode and storing fat for later. Redo your calculations with your new weight, MFP will probably up your calories, but you do need more food now. Also, take into consideration that you are probably still losing inches. Fat weighs less than muscle, so toning up the fat will get you at a plateau for awhile,
  • You need to eat more, body is going into starvation mode and storing fat for later. Redo your calculations with your new weight, MFP will probably up your calories, but you do need more food now. Also, take into consideration that you are probably still losing inches. Fat weighs less than muscle, so toning up the fat will get you at a plateau for awhile,
  • mimidaks
    mimidaks Posts: 1 Member
    Try upping your protein and lowering the carb intake. Also shake it up as far as the calories. Maybe one day eat 1200 the next 1300 then 1100. When I was loosing weight on weight watchers 11 years ago I reached a plateau and it took me 2 months of just sticking to my program to start losing but it did help me to eat more protein and not always eat the same amount of points. After two months my body just started losing again at a healthy rate and lost more than I intended and have maintained my weight for 11 years. Whatever you do....don't give up.....just say you will eat healthy as a lifestyle and I bet you will start losing again soon. Best o luck...
  • blueeyes25s
    blueeyes25s Posts: 78 Member
    I am actually going through the same thing. I lost 23lbs and now I'm stuck! I was given the same advice about adding calories to my diet by adding protein and to make sure to eat back my exercise calories. I started this new regimen yesterday so I'm hoping it helps! Remember you should also change your workouts every 4 - 6 weeks. Everyone gave you really good advice, I hope it works for you! Good luck.