how often do you weigh yourself ??

I am terrible when it comes to weighing myself and often do it 5-6 times a day :blushing: !! how often does everyone else weigh themselves ? and how often do you think is appropriate ?? :smile:


  • I weigh everyday! I tried to get one of the kids to hide the scale once so I couldnt.. it wasnt a good situation at my house.. I panicked. I even went to my friends house to borrow hers.. but I think it was broken.. cause I was like 3lbs more on hers. Anyways long story short, two days later I found mine he burried it underneath his clothes in his dresser.. I shoulda figured it out sooner it was the only drawerer where the clothes were actually folded.
  • theba2il
    theba2il Posts: 548 Member
    I weigh myself every morning. I enter the weight into an app on my phone. There is a graph that I use to look at the dips and spikes and then reference it with MFP's diary.
  • I weight my self maybe twice a week.
  • nellie_88
    nellie_88 Posts: 256 Member
    I weigh myself every morning...
  • Every time I pass the scale. I feel like I'm obsessed! I try not to worry about the fluctuations though.
  • holli3586
    holli3586 Posts: 103 Member
    Everyday but going to start once a week!!
  • I use to weigh myself everyday, multiple times. but I know i'm not going to lose two pounds in one day, so what's the point?

    I weight myself once a week now. Every Monday. But I go to the doctor next week, so it'll be twice. ;)
  • Matttdvg
    Matttdvg Posts: 133 Member
    I have the most useless scales ever, and it will only give me a ballpark figure of within 4 or 5 pounds, so there is no point doing it regularly. I try to have a look at them every few weeks or so.

    As for how much you should weigh yourself, it depends on the individual. Some people get discouraged when seeing the small weight gains that may occur naturally from one day to the next even if you're on track with your long term weight loss goals. Others can just take that in their stride and get on with it. Daily makes sense for some people, weekly for others. It depends on the individual and how they react to the number that appears on their scales.
  • I had a bad habit of stepping on the scale every morning. My husband yells at me to stop because I will get upset if I dont see the result I want. I need to hide the scale.
  • marz31
    marz31 Posts: 159 Member
    when I get up, and right before I go to bed. Sounds like obsession and perhaps it was at one point, now it's just routine and often gives me a heads up as to foods to avoid (at least food combos) if I'm up a LOT at night, knowing you shed quite a bit while sleeping (between the body still doing it's calorie burning as normal and losing water which is also normal). I have a scale that has memory for up to 4 so I have one for night and one for morning......
  • Muscle weighs more than fat, so if you are doing any kind of strength training the scale is not the way to measure your success. I may weigh myself every other week or every three weeks just to make sure I am maintaining. The best way to measure is to take actual measurements of various body parts rather than get on a scale.
  • I think you're only supposed to weigh yourself once a week, but I weigh myself about every other keeps me motivated, and if the number goes up slightly I challenge myself to eat healthier or maybe walk/jog a little longer that day.
  • teri1956
    teri1956 Posts: 221 Member
    TOO D*** OFTEN.

    I wish I could wrap my head around the "The scale isn't the final judge".
  • JaenaM
    JaenaM Posts: 251 Member
    Used to weigh once a week now I do it at least 3 times since I started getting the b-vitamin shots. I get those 3 times a week and they weigh me every time. I weigh at home on Sunday's. I try to enter my weight on MFP only once a week.
  • I work in a shipping warehouse and we have a 4'x4' 5000lbs scale. So it's really hard not to weigh myself multiple times a day. I think it helps me keep focused on eating healthy and keeping on track.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Every morning. It has helped me to learn a lot about my body. I know how food and how much water I drink affects the scale. I've also learned about my normal fluctuations - which I think helps to relieve the "OMG! I GAINED A POUND!" freakouts that so many people have. You learn what is normal, so you don't fret about what you see as long as it is in the "normal" range for you. :)
  • I weight myself everytime I go to Curves, which is about 3-4 times a week, but I think once a week is more of a true measure. We fluctuate throughout the day so weighing too often isn't helpful, I don't think. Just stay on track with your healthy goals.
  • everyday! I can't do it only once a week because I used to have a tendency to stray off my path and this time around I am doing what i need to to continue with my weight loss. Eventually I might reduce it to 1 time a week when I get into maintenance mode but for now 1 x a day holds me accountable
  • kendernau
    kendernau Posts: 155 Member
    It varies a lot for me. This week, I weighed myself twice since I had a health screening today. Last time I weighed myself before this week was 3 weeks ago.

    As other people have said, it really varies by person.

    Daily (if you are consistent about when you weigh - first thing in the morning or last thing at night would seem to be the best for most people) can help motivate you, if you are on a high reduction diet (more than 2 lbs a week, should be under a doctor's supervision).

    Weekly seems good for a lot of people, since it is long enough to smooth out most fluctuations, and it is long enough to see any changes. Again, for consistency, it should be at the same time - early morning before eating or exercising, or at night before going to bed when you aren't going to eat or exercise any more for the day.

    Monthly, in my opinion, is too infrequent if you are trying to lose weight, but would be good for maintenance. I'm trying to get in the habit of checking weekly.