how often do you weigh yourself ??



  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I darent get back on mine cos I know its gone up..and it makes me panic if I see 12st or more I start getting thoughts like I cant eat today I'm too fat and stuff so I have to drink loads of water tablets, go to loo lots before I can get on when I think I maybe lighter.. like for example when monthly bloat goes off... but if I'm heavier than I thought I'm gutted and depressed all day.

    I just seem to go up and down between same numbers and not getting any lower before the 6lb bloat goes back on. :embarassed:
  • kleverkira
    kleverkira Posts: 41 Member
    I try to weigh daily or every few days. If I wait a week, I try to "cram" healthy eating before my date with the scale. Once a day helps me know how I'm doing. I don't get upset if one or two days is high as long as the general trajectory is downward.
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Twice a week.
  • Wynterbourne
    Wynterbourne Posts: 2,220 Member
    I've managed to keep it to only once a week. Those "daily fluctuations" can swing both ways based on water retention etc. I don't want to see halfway through the week that I've lost two pounds only to have it say I've only lost one on my weigh-in day when I know I've exercised and not eaten more than my allotted calories. Just easier for me that way.
  • lilsnowbird
    I would never weigh myself if it were not for the challenges that I am currently in and have to do weekly weigh ins....So I now weigh once a week....the more important weight loss to me is inches and I measure myself once a week as well but I usually just go by the way my clothes feel and that tells me how well I am doing...DO NOT LIVE BY THE will get really frustrated and this will not help your weight loss program.
  • Miihg
    Miihg Posts: 3 Member
    Wow...I feel for everyone who is weighing in so often...That can really mess with your head, and your weight loss...You should really limit it to once a week, the same time, same day, in the same way.

    I started this doing the same as all of you trying to weigh in all the time to see a change and it caused me endless depression...Now that I do it only once a week I can deal with the changes better. If I gain, or lose, I adjust with it.

    I have been doing this for 190+ days and have lost 67 lbs and believe me when I say the scale can truly be your worst enemy if you use it too often. I have had a month go by with no change in my weight and then I will weigh in and have a loss of 5-8 lbs...I'm not saying this will happen for everyone but you have to look at this from a long term perspective and not a short term. This is truly a life change, and seeing all those ups and downs over a few days, as i can attest, just messes with your head way to much.

    It shouldn't just be about the lbs, they are important...but it's also about the way you feel, how your clothes fit, your energy, etc...My weight loss is good but the drop of 2 pants sizes and the energy increases I feel are the real wins! Sorry for being preachy, I really wish you all the best, and hope you all have continued success! :)
  • Multistyles
    Twice a day once when I wake up and once before I go to bed, it keeps me in check
  • Kaesize6
    I use to weigh myself every month or two!! sometimes not even at all B.c I hated the scale. However, the longer I waited to weigh myself, the more weight I gained (over 30 lbs). So now I have limited my self to twice a month! EVERY 2nd MONDAY!!! I think if we become obsessed with the scale it will make the chances of us losing weight slim... B.c it starts to become a job and you are constantly thinking about it, triggers negative emotions if u are not where you want to be, and in the end it will take out ANY joy in losing weight & reaching your goal. I think ONCE A WEEK IS GREAT, EVEN TWICE A MONTH! But I would say no more than that!
  • OutOfBreath
    OutOfBreath Posts: 80 Member
    Once a week. And I try to do it at the same time every week. Since weight fluctuates so much on a daily basis, I figure it's best not to drive myself batty weighing every chance I get.
  • Norton1971
    Norton1971 Posts: 32 Member
    I weigh myself every day, sometimes twice a day. I have even given my mum the scales to look after to stop me doing it but I went and go them back after a couple of days. I hate not knowing if I have gained or lost. It does become an obsession. My daughter tells me off frequently as she knows its not good as your weight fluctuates during the week and it can be off putting to know you have gained 2lbs but then 2 days later they have gone again.
  • HeatherR930
    HeatherR930 Posts: 214 Member
    My official weigh-in is every morning, but I also weigh at night...I don't know why though! It doesn't get me down if the numbers are up one actually motivates me to have a really good day to see a different result the next day! At the same time, if the number is down, I feel great & want to keep at it the next day. So no matter what the result, it is motivating for me!
  • tiedye
    tiedye Posts: 331 Member
    Daily when i first wake up.
  • catlover98611
    catlover98611 Posts: 38 Member
    While I was losing I weighed on the first day of each month. Once I hit goal, I weighed every Friday and that's where I am right now, every Friday. Any more than that could just be obsessing.
  • chickenpoppa
    chickenpoppa Posts: 207 Member
    I weigh myself twice a week. Every friday for myself and every monday morning for a weight loss group i am on facebook.

    Good luck:-)
  • nomorefatbitch
    I do it several times a day, also.

    Wayyyyyyyyyy too often!

    Normal is probably once a day??
  • Kate6868
    Kate6868 Posts: 159 Member
    Once a week, although I'm thinking about less often. I get too hung up on scale weight. I was bummed a couple of weeks ago when I'd gained 2 pounds (out of town weekend), although I'd lost an inch off my chest, 2 inches off my waist, and 1 off my hips. I'm thinking about weighing once a month and using measurements and clothing fit more. Thinking about it, anyway.
  • RuthAne
    RuthAne Posts: 130
    1 x every 2 weeks
  • heyjude345
    heyjude345 Posts: 66 Member
    I don't even have a scale at our house! I weigh once a month. I have lost weight before and I know that I tend to get way too focused on the number on the scale and am capable of sabotaging myself. So, this time I decided to try something different. I weigh once a month at my in-law's house and record it on here. I can tell from my clothes that I'm losing weight, so for now, this is the best way for me. I'm due to weigh again a week from today and so far I've lost about 10 pounds a month.
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    if you are going to do it once a day, it's best to do it in the morning. you will weigh less.
    i am trying to not do it everyday but i must admit i have been lately. it's best to do it once a week is what i've heard. if you're working really hard and staying on track with diet, once a week is good. but i don't do it that infrequently. i need to follow my own advice.