

  • I've got more important things to worry about than some naturally skinny jerk telling me I "ought" to lose weight because I am obese. I also have more important things to consider instead of worrying about someone else's weight. I have FINALLY found a way to lose weight and BE HEALTHY at the same time. And if my way…
  • Fantastic job! You are one strong and courageous woman!
  • I'm not exactly eating gluten free but currently eating Paleo. Would be interested in sharing recipes that don't need grains or grain products.
  • New to MyFitnessPal. Joined because my friends joined and we're all trying to support each other losing weight. I'd like to lose about 60 pounds. Once I get to that goal then I can decide if there is more to lose or if my goal is a good weight to maintain.
  • Since you've done the salsa thing what about chimichurri? It's South American. Contains olive oil, parsley, a bit of red pepper flakes. Lots of recipes online and you can tweak the flavors however you wish. We use it a lot on meat. Or scrambling the eggs with other veggies.
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