That's how I felt about it! My boyfriend keeps telling me to try the legs and back (but I am loving Jillian's Killer Buns& Thighs for that...) or plyometrics before I knock it, but I just don't think I can add those chest and back days with all the pushups/pullups. I know you can get lean doing it, but I just don't think…
Thanks for the info! I think I might order it, I'm looking at that 10 minute one on too.
That's a good idea, I was thinking about just modifying and creating my own rotation of the ones I "like". Do you happen to know if its 1 week on each DVD? That's how I made it through Ripped in 30. Knowing I did 5-6 days and then moved on to a whole new thing made it way easier to finish as intended vs. 30 Day Shred where…
Just make sure they don't get peirced with a hoop first. It needs to be a bar until it heals. My friend is an amazing piercer and he had redone mine that were done with hoops and never healed, explaining the piercing needs 90 degrees around every angle to heal properly, and then you can switch it. Four on my ears never…
Lots of things, lol. Healthier ones being a protein shake with peanut butter and a banana and soy milk, 400 calories or so. But thats usually a post workout thing. Not healhty: dinners out! Went out to a nice prixe fix 3 course dinner and ordered a martini a few weekends ago and found the closest items I could on here to…
That's happened to me before. I tend to retain water like crazy. It gets really frustrating, but I'm "losing" again (meaning the 4 pounds I was up are gone again. I also switched up my routine. I read/heard somewhere (not sure if it was online or one of my fitness mags?) that muscles can hang on to water weight while they…
Billy Idol. Dancing With Myself. And Queen's Don't Stop Me Now. Those get me goin on the treadmill every time, lol.
Do what works for you. I always fail at diets too because I was restricting too much. I think I found one I can stick with for a little while, because its foods I love anyway and I am allowed 1oz of dark chocolate or 5 oz of red wine even:) (jump start diet foud on My BF is finally on board with me also, I've…
That's great! My boyfriend won't be logging, but I told him I wanted to try a "detox" diet in the new Self magazine and he wants to eat healtheir with me. It makes it soo much easier when there's 2, it helps keep you accountable:)
I try not to judge at the gym, because I sure don't look great first thing in the morning in sweats... but spandex and little teeny shorts on dudes... its like a train wreck for me. I can't seem to look away, and its usually BAD! Especially the more top heavy with baggy shirts and the spandex on the bottom:/ That mixed…
Thanks everyone:) I needed this little victory!
You didn't "ruin" anything. That was my worst pattern of thinking. I skipped working out 4 days in a row:( ANd Thanksgiving and company didn't help with my eating! But instead of seeing it as failing, I just thought - back to it! And went to the gym today:) Good luck! You got this!
If you were wearing it during lifting, its probably counted too high and isn't accurate. They're intended for aerobic monitoring so they calculate strength training too high.
That's really true - I used to take meds that made me basically an insomniac, and it was awful... come to find out, you shouldn't take them after 12pm. So now I take them right away whenI wake up and I can pretty much sleep like a normal person again.
Between 5'2" & 5'3". Goal 1 is 135...though I'm hoping to get to 125-130.
Thanks! I usually drink at least 6 glasses of water, some days more some less. Maybe I need more fiber. And I am waiting for some results of blood tests dealing with hormones, though I 'm not sure what they are testing for. Hopefully it goes away, its so annoying!
I'm a former hairstylist (stopped a few months ago). I HATE my own hair! lol. Used to be super short and fun, and its weird, as it gets longer I hate how my face looks when I wear my hair up anymore. What's your current style? Volume on top always helps make the face look slimmer, so you could try adding more layers. Or,…
I used to HATE running/jogging. And when I started I would walk, and set little marks for myself along the way. Walk to x, then jog to y, then walk. And I'd pick a few of those each time. Then I went by mile markers on a trail/treadill. Eventually I made it up to a mile with no walking stops, and now I can do 5+ miles…
I haven't "finished" it, because I can't follow one DVD for several weeks, I get bored:/ 30 Day Shred I lasted 2 weeks... but I still use the different levels. Mix it with yoga, cardio, and abs, etc. But the Killer Buns and Thighs is an awesome video - My jeans are getting looser in the thighs and my butt looks better:)
LOL, I'm "glad" other people have the same problems, in the sense that we're not alone!
In the same boat. Well, 9 pounds to be more accurate. But still can't fit the smaller size - I am so in between its frustrating! Although my jeans are a bit looser in the thighs, but they dont fit in the butt! Sometimes the curves are more frustrating than flattering.
That's pne of my biggest problems too - I used to dance and cheer. I do weights/squats and bouht Jillian Michael's Killer Buns and Thighs. I definitely still have soft spots but I see a lot more definition making its way onto my legs - I almost like them again!
I agree in a way. But some of the numbers I am not going to stress over. For example, if I never see my goal weight, but I feel comfortable finally in my clothes (no bulges or muffin top!) I think I can be happy with that. I see people post who weigh more than me but are in a smaller size and it was kind of getting me…
Exact same thing with me again- I fluctate throughout the day 140 in th AM, 143 PM. But that's normal! And I know how it is to not "look" 140 - my BF and I were shopping and the only sweatshirt left I was looking at was an XS, and he says "that wouldn't fit you??" Decieving I suppose... I guess my only suggestion is try…
Right now I am doing the 30 day shred with 2-5 days of cardio, depending on what I have been able to fit in. I jog and do the treadmill at varied speeds and intervals, and the elliptical. Before that I was doing 30-45min cardio in the AM and worked on abs, upper and lower body in a rotation.
Glad I'm not the only one to think that. Please, if he wants to gain and know I am trying to lose... he's not going to see me get out of bed to feed him. If he wants to eat he can go get it himself, once I'm in bed there is no more food!
I'm the same height/weight as you. The lowest I've been recently was 137 and it seemed to take forever to get there and about a week to go back to 142. I feel like I am never going to see anything below 140. I've heard I look a lot more "fit" and a lot less "fluffy", but I just don't see it! Try the measurements though -…
Ditto on Jillian's videos - Killer Buns and Thighs and Yoga Meltdown are great. I got "Look Better Naked" and like that too - I don't do it too often though because the 20 minute Metabolic workout has a bit of "jumping" moves. I get a little weird about that with my landlord downstairs, lol. So I do that when I know he…
Ditto! I had an AMAZING September/1st week of October. Then I went out of town and gave up for the rest of the month. Starting my 30 Day Shred Challenge for November and vowing to log in every day as well - even on bad food days (like today:wink: ) Good luck :happy:
Yeh I noticed that this time too, I have no trouble getting the 8 glasses of water in each day!