Nowayjose54 Member


  • Chili. I could improve the presentation by sprinkling some fresh jalapeno slices or cilantro over it but I don't want to waste anything just for the pic, lol. Trust me, it's delicious. It's only 280 calories for this bowl too. Recipe in this thread here.
  • I stopped buying anything tempting because I knew I'd have a weak moment and say "**** it." I even stopped buying peanut butter because I was just eating spoonfuls of it for like 200 calories I couldn't afford. And don't even get me started on unhealthy snacks. I'd buy a bag of chips or something telling myself I'd…
  • The only time I used tahini was to drizzle it on falafel pitas. If you have baked falafel, instead of fried, falafel is extremely healthy. And in my opinion, super delicious. Falafel in a pita with lettuce, tomato, onion, cucumber and tahini or tzatziki. Yum. I used to buy these frozen falafel patties at Whole Foods that…
  • Amy's California veggie burgers. I don't know if that's a diet food because I'll eat them when I'm not trying to be healthy, but they are awesome.
  • Be careful. While regular old hot sauce has nothing fattening or high calories in it (and it's packed with flavor, yum!) the specialty hot sauce, including some of the wing flavors, have oil or butter in them. Yet, the serving size is you little, you may not notice on the label (under .5 is counted as 0, remember) so you…
  • Fruit is better than candy, but I'd just keep an eye on how sugar affects your appetite. Glycemix index and insulin crashes and all that. Maybe you can find a veggie you enjoy. Personally, I eat all my veggies cooked, unless they are on a sandwich or in a salad, then raw.
  • If your BMR is 1252 and you're eating 1300 calories, that's a net surplus of 48 calories. I'm confused. Why would you eat more than your BMR and think you're losing weight. Also, a 1252 BMR is insane. I am so jealous of large tall men who get to eat as much as they want. lol
  • It is hard to do without planning, but I think if you are sure to eat satisfying meals and not sugary stuff that leaves you hungry again soon, you'll be OK. I have: bran flakes with almond milk (about 150) A Kashi or Amy's frozen lunch (less than 400) A snack or two during the work day, like granola bars or almonds (about…