WTF Dude.



  • chapagonzo
    chapagonzo Posts: 53
    If you feel you have to have it....or just want to pick something that is a win/win for you....try Healthy Choice Fudge Cicles. The are awesome and have only 80 calories. Even if you eat two, it is only 160. They have no nutritional value other than calories so you are not loading up on sugar. You don't feel like you are cheating.

    We all struggle, especially with the mental part of it. The hardest part is to stand there (I grab my stomach while contemplating temptation) and really ask ourselves to I really need that or is it going to sabotage my goals.

    I also blog what I am going to eat before I do it. It really does give you a reality check.

    Good Luck and get your mental house in order. It is a big part of the key to success.

  • k8edge
    k8edge Posts: 380
    Don't buy ice cream.

    problem solved...


    Sugar Free Fudge Pop (40 cals)
    Skinny Cow (Depends on what you buy but about 100 cals)
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    I suggest getting the treats you really like best out of the house. Shop when you're full, not hungry, and stick to as much healthy stuff as possible. If you have others in your house that like treats (I have a husband & daughter), buy them treats that they like but you don't. That way, you won't be as inclined to eat them. But, always remember that most of us have the same problem you do. Treats are hard to give up when they've always been part of your regular diet. Just try your hardest and be kind to yourself when you slip.
  • geekymom57
    geekymom57 Posts: 176 Member
    I have several strategies that I draw upon depending on what it is my head is telling me I need.

    If in a moment of weaknes, I begin to eat something--cookie, chips, etc.--and realize I shouldn't, I spit it out what's left and throw it away. I might do that after a couple of nibbles--just because I was weak for a moment doesn't mean I have to commit to the whole thing. The thrifty-part of me sometimes has a hard time throwing away "perfectly good food," so sometimes I'll bring it to work and share.

    If I "need" the texture and flavor of ice cream, I make a fairly healthy small shake that also helps me meet my protein goals: 1/2 c vanilla soy milk, 1/4 c vanilla ice cream, 1/2 T Nutella. It's a bit runnier than a regular shake, so I put it in the freezer for a half hour or so and there's my shake. A two tablespoon squirt of Redi-Whip makes it really seem like an indulgence!

    When I know I"ll be eating out, or meeting a friend for a drink after work, I'll plan my calories earlier in the day, and/or make sure I'm home early enough to elliptical-away any surplus calories.

    I also keep in mind what I learned when helping a close family member deal with substance abuse. The professionals kept telling people that relapsing once, twice, three times--whatever--doesn't mean you're a failure, as long as you keep trying. Recognizing a lapse and choosing to keep trying is still a success.
  • lajuice24
    lajuice24 Posts: 409 Member
    I would suggest not having anything like that in the house. I eat fruit and will also buy only one of the low calorie treats. It keeps me from wrecking all my hard work. You can do it!
  • SageLikeTheSpice
    SageLikeTheSpice Posts: 32 Member
    With, ice cream, I've only been able to exert self-control by buying the one-serving cups (Ben&Jerry's and Starbucks have them for some flavors. I know there are a few others too, but those are what I get). Ice cream is my big weakness, and I eat it super fast, so I have to do the single-serving cups to make sure I don't go over. I have been known to buy a pint and tell myself only one serving, and then when I'm halfway done with the pint, I let myself just finish the thing. I can justify a 250-calorie single serving, but not a 1000-calorie pint, yet I can't stop myself sometimes if it's there in front of me.
  • Kohadre
    Kohadre Posts: 316
    I know when walking to kitchen I am going to ruin my calories and my work out from this morning. I know when eating the ice cream that it is happening yet I can't stop myself. WTF is wrong with me? Anyone else have this problem? How do you convince yourself? Any tricks? I allow myself whatever I want in moderation... however most of the time I forget the moderation part :(

    Im agree with lajuice24 on this. If you think you can eat it in moderation, throw it out. If you are unsure, or know you cannot eat it in moderation, again just get it out of the house so that you do not even have the ability to follow through on the temptation.
  • babyblake11
    babyblake11 Posts: 1,107 Member
    THROW IT OUT. throw anything out thats bad for you and you feel you will give in to.
    also, when you're having a craving. think to yourself, what benefit am i getting from this food? not nutrition and its not helping me reach my goal. so its not worth it! i find that i dont crave or want anything bad anymore because i only want to put things in my body that benefit it.

    focus on eating nutritious wholesome filling foods that you enjoy.
  • babyblake11
    babyblake11 Posts: 1,107 Member
    THROW IT OUT. throw anything out thats bad for you and you feel you will give in to.
    also, when you're having a craving. think to yourself, what benefit am i getting from this food? not nutrition and its not helping me reach my goal. so its not worth it! i find that i dont crave or want anything bad anymore because i only want to put things in my body that benefit it.

    focus on eating nutritious wholesome filling foods that you enjoy.
  • I just say no to everything that I KNOW I will eat too much of regardless of serving size. Especially chips.

    Mostly I learned to eat when I was hungry and not needing to feel satisfied. It was hard at first but it's getting easier.

    I would suggest not eating the food at all and then add little bits once a week. It's totally understandable! You can get through this!
  • crystalslight
    crystalslight Posts: 322 Member
    I use to NOTt stop myself. Then I'd feel guilty. Which would lead me to eat even worse.
    Today I had a TERRIBLE eating day. I was about to go to FULL blown binge. Because I had already done so poorly. Also when I eat sweets it's like, I turn into a ravenous animal. I go a little crazy. It must be some kind of trigger for me. Anywho...
    What stopped me??
    #1 The progress I've already been able to see
    #2 I looked up the swim suit I want from VS... Seeing all those great bodies made me NOT want to binge
    You have to find what will work for you. You've already made a GREAT choice getting support from MFPers. Just keep making those good choices. Good Luck sweetie, YOU CAN DO IT!!
  • Keep the ice cream out of your house. Whenever you want to allow some in moderation, go buy an ice cream cone from McDonalds (150 calories). Go through the drive thru so you can't go back for more.

    Keep it out of the house!!! DH and I have learned to not have junk food in the house. We had a bday party and supper club all at our huse yesterday, company overnight, so lots more food than we would normally have. ALL "junk" food got sent home w/ our guests. I used to keep stuff for the kids (I have 4), but now we all eat healty, or I buy "treats" that aren't bad, or I don't like (gummies are a big hit and I can't stand them). It is SOOOOO hard, I know. You just have to come to the place where you don't have that in the house. Load up on fresh fruit and filling things. A huge help is to "shop the perimeter" at the grocery store. Don't buy boxed convenience foods, they are full of sodium, and with practice, you can cook from scratch easier and healthier. It is a process, though. Don't beat yourself up. Hang in there!
  • lbgano
    lbgano Posts: 234
    I have certain foods that I know I can't eat in moderation, like chips or certain kinds of ice cream...or the bbq ribs my husband makes (see my food diary from yesterday, case in point!).

    So I do not have them in the house because I will obsess about them. And if I try to portion them out I will just end up eating 10 portions.

    Some things I have gotten over - we can have brownies in the house and I'm not tempted. But if we have a bag of salt n vinegar potato chips - you know you will hear crinkling and crunching in the middle of the night.

    So yeah, I will repeat the advice others have given : if you know it's a food that you have trouble controlling right now, leave it at the store. If it finds its way into your house, give it away IMMEDIATELY or throw it out (and pour dish soap on it). If you want to treat yourself buy a SINGLE SERVING bag or ONE cone or ONE candy bar (or however many fun size and leave the rest at a bus stop or something).

    It will get easier eventually, but it's right now that counts. You don't have to test your willpower, you just need to eliminate the temptation.
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    You have no idea how bad I wanna scarf down the cheesecake in my fridge. However, I take ONE bite every night as a treat. It becomes something I look forward to after a healthy day, and it lasts a whole lot longer.
  • Nowayjose54
    Nowayjose54 Posts: 14 Member
    I stopped buying anything tempting because I knew I'd have a weak moment and say "**** it." I even stopped buying peanut butter because I was just eating spoonfuls of it for like 200 calories I couldn't afford. And don't even get me started on unhealthy snacks. I'd buy a bag of chips or something telling myself I'd properly divvy it out in portions over time, but I ALWAYS ate the entire bag as soon as I got home. Now my apartment is full of food I like, but nothing bad. I also avoid super-easy snacks. Most of the food I have requires preparation of some sort.

    If it's that hard for you to avoid ice cream, I recommend Almond Breeze vanilla almond milk. Tastes like a milkshake, but healthier, and you should end up having less of it since it's a liquid.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I don't keep these things in my house unless there are MANY people who will help me eat it. It's not deprivation, it's not having things you really don't need on hand all the time. If I want sweets bad enough, I'll go out and buy it in a small quantity for myself.

    Moderation isn't the problem. It's consistency and following through with what you say/think.
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    I get the Skinny Cow Ice Cream Sandwiches. It's 140 calories, 3 grams of fat, and 4 grams of fiber for one. Sometimes I can swing 2 in a day if I've not gone an eaten poorly the remainder of the day and that's more than enough to kill off my sweet tooth and desire for comfort food.
  • CaptainMFP
    CaptainMFP Posts: 440 Member
    Until you can control your behavior then you have to say no.

    This is the best approach for a lot of people. I have no intention of giving up anything I love forever, but I don't have equal control for all things. I'm good with most sweet, so cookies and candy can be in the house because I will rarely eat them and only in small amounts; if I'm serving myself ice cream or eating pizza near an open container, however, I know I haven't reached a control point yet so we don't have those things in the house.

    If you can figure out where your biggest weaknesses are you can limit your temptation until you have better self control. Good luck! You can do it!