

  • Track! Get some work done that I have been putting off. Be nice to everyone I see today! Saving some calories for bedtime, so I can sleep better!
  • Congratulations for taking this first step to get control of your weight and health! What a great accomplishment to finish college with such a big family! We are all fighting this same battle, but we are all worth the fight. Good luck to you!
  • Good luck to you. My best friend has the same problem, and she needs to gain about ten or so pounds to be a healthy weight. Even though I have the opposite problem, I understand that being underweight is difficult, too. Keeping track is a great idea, and I wish you the very best!:smile:
  • Just eat a normal nutritious meal. Tomorrow's another day!
    in Help! Comment by redrobin1957 July 2011
  • Thanks everyone! I really need help right now, because I am getting tired and bored with the whole effort. I have lost 40 pounds since January on WW, but I have been on a plateau for about six weeks. I cancelled my WW membership, and thought I would give this a try. I did lose a whole .6 this week, which is progress! I'll…