New here and trying to GAIN weight

I joined MFP to become healthy and gain weight. I have always been petite, but that doesn't equate to healthy. I am constantly on the run and realize that I am missing meals. I joined MFP to keep track that I am intaking the necessary amount of calories. Ideally I'd like to gain 20lbs. I have tried to gain wait before and am hoping MFP will help. If you would like to be friends feel free to add me.

-Thanks for the support! :)


  • Charger440
    Charger440 Posts: 1,474 Member
    Welcome to the club and you may just blow some of these fitness nuts minds!
  • Good luck to you. My best friend has the same problem, and she needs to gain about ten or so pounds to be a healthy weight. Even though I have the opposite problem, I understand that being underweight is difficult, too. Keeping track is a great idea, and I wish you the very best!:smile:
  • Srg1215
    Srg1215 Posts: 5 Member
    Regardless if you are trying to lose or gain, we are all in this together! Support is support {even though I might have been a little jealous of your post at first, ha} and we are here for you. Trying to put on weight can be just as difficult as those of us trying to lose it. Good luck :o)