

  • I've been there. I know it doesn't seem like it now, but in time it won't hurt so bad. Try to do things to make you and your child happy. You are a pretty girl. In time, you will find someone who deserves and appreciates you. Please don't give in to unhealthy eating. it will only make you feel worse in the long run. Some…
  • As suggested, your thyroid may be the problem. You could also be anemic and/or have a Vitamin D deficiency. After the birth of my son, I was tired all the time as well. I went to the MD due to a cold and she advised me that my thyroid was enlarged. I had that checked out and discovered I had hypothyroidism. Fast forward…
  • I'm a new member as well. I just turned 50 a month ago. I too have a busy life and found myself with little to no energy at the end of the day. I got a wake up call at the MD's office last week with regard to my health and found this site shortly there after. I do hope life get better at 50. Congrats soon to be grand dad!…
  • I just joined two days ago. I found this site as a free app on my ipad. I am using this site to help me lose weight. The reviews I've read about this site were great. I like this site so far. For me, it helps me to really focus on what I'm eating. I also like the food search where I can search to find the food's I've…
  • Don't let it get u down. And, don't give in to what he said by eating junk food. If you do that, he wins. I've been called worse by an ex. He used to belittle my weight every chance he got. He once told me that I was the fattest girl he had ever dated. I lost weight at that time just to try to please him. The relationship…
    in sad Comment by abrs1649 July 2011
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