coping with stress

today is the 24th and my heart is broken ....
ive been crying all night cause the person i love to death and have a child by
has lied to me about multiple things...
and i just really want to give up and eat something to make me feel better
just need big support right now im sorry for all my emotions but its how i feel


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I know you feel like you will hurt forever but you won't. Concentrate on you. No one is worth making yourself sick over. A year from now it will be a distant memory.
  • changeisgood55
    I just got out of a 3 year relationship and I know it hurts but it won't hurt forever. I'm a stress eater too but I kept telling myself would eating cookies, candy or whatever change the It will just make you feel even worse. You are better than that. Take care of yourself and remember it won't always hurt. It will get better and you will eventually find a wonderful man. You will be fine and you have all of us too. Stay strong!
  • abrs1649
    abrs1649 Posts: 5
    I've been there. I know it doesn't seem like it now, but in time it won't hurt so bad. Try to do things to make you and your child happy. You are a pretty girl. In time, you will find someone who deserves and appreciates you. Please don't give in to unhealthy eating. it will only make you feel worse in the long run. Some years ago, I got out of a really bad relationship with my son's father. He too lied and cheated on me. I thought the sun rose and set on him. Now, I'm happy and my son is happy. We have our moments, but for the most part, we are happy. I now realize that, had I stayed in that relationship, I would be miserable to this day. He's married now (someone else's problem because I know what I went through), however, I'm at peace. I don't hate him anymore. I just don't love him for what I went through with him. Life does gets better. You just have to keep waking up in the morning and keep going. In time, the pain will pass and it will get easier.
  • big_beautiful
    thank you for the people that are trying to help me and encourage me it's going to be a long process but im not ready to let go im so scared and i dont know why i deserve the best