

  • I haven't been able to find the thread you were referring to. Would you mind posting a link?
  • I eat 1200 calories daily and more on days that I work out a lot. I don't feel hungry and am energetic. However, the initial weight loss has stopped and now the numbers on the scale just keep jumping. Even weighing in once a week shows fluctuations and gain.
  • I started on January 7th weighing 237lbs at 5'7! Today I am 208. It can be done you just need to believe in yourself and stick with it. I am more careful with my food choices and do at least some physical activity everyday.
  • Often the ones closest to us don't understand what we are doing and why we are doing it. My husband doesn't understand why I decided to start losing weight all of a sudden and at times makes fun of my choices. For example, a few nights ago we ordered a large pizza and I decided not to have any and instead make myself a…
  • I feel the same way. I have unrealistic expectations due to a good couple of week when I was losing 5lbs a week. Now that I am losing only 2-3 pounds a week I am always worried about what I am doing wrong. I am also worried about the future...what will I look like by the summer?...will I be able to continue losing…
  • Don't trust the scale. My scale is my worst enemy. It said that I said 5lbs in one day!!! I have been trying to keep myself from stepping on it and I know how hard it is because you want to see results.
  • I go through the same thing all the time. I have been yo-yo dieting for the past 10 years and I am only 26 years old!!! I started 6 weeks ago and when the numbers on the scale were going down I felt great and now the numbers aren't going down even though I am eating healthy and working out. I feel the same way, like what…
  • Love the comment! Thanks for the support.
  • Thank you all for all of the encouragement! It really helps. I just purchased the 30 day shred and want to start it tomorrow to change things up a bit. I will also take the advice and stop weighing myself so frequently...I hate the scale. I noticed my weight changes depending on what room I am in...think it has something…
  • I have been struggling with the same issue. When I first started eating healthy and working out the weight started to melt off for the first week or so, then I gained back two pounds which hurt my motivation a bit. I have been trying to lose weight for the past few years and always end up quitting when I don't see results.…