

  • Eat healthy and drink more water than what you normally do. The water will help get rid of the excess sodium. I have actually even had to use some of the natural water pills and that has helped but I normally have had to use those around my period time and when I have been on steroids so I wouldn't suggest that at this…
  • I weigh daily. The number bothers me tremendously. I tried weighing weekly but I am obsessed and have to know what it says daily. I let it emotionally affect me if I don't know what it says. I weigh in the morning right when I wake up.
  • It sounds like a good plan but don't be so rigid that you beat yourself up if you don't meet it everyday. You have to give yourself some flexibility. You also need to mix things up a little so you don't get bored with your workout routines. For instance, I don't always do the same type of things. I have several walking…
  • I have heard that you shouldn't drink more than half your weight in ozs. Hope this helps. There is such a thing as drinking too much water. It is actually a disorder called water intoxication. You can drink so much that you can become intoxicated from it.
  • When I eat at someone else's house I estimate and when I fix for my family I know what goes in and I usually use a recipe counter on another website and then add in how many servings and then put in the serving information into here. Hope this is helpful.
  • Thanks for the great ideas I was able to up my calories a little and even had a bag of natural popcorn so now I only have a deficit of 1600 versus over 2100 calories. So I think I am leaving it at that because I am so full. :). I appreciate all of the quick responses and great ideas. I love MFP so much for this!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Most protein shakes have some type of dairy or other ingredient that I am unable to have in my diet due to allergies. I can have nuts in moderation but I have to be careful because of the mold elimination diet part. I can't have anything that has sugar or any sugar substitutes because mold feeds on it so if I was to get…
  • I am allergic to milk as well forgot to add that. Sorry have mild allergies to milk, onions and those are out. I do almond dream for milk substitue.
  • I love the wii fit. I have the wii fit plus. I have only had it for about a week and a half now and I use it every day for about 40 minutes. I do some strength training exercises and some aerobics. I want to get the active video and the jillian michaels one but haven't gotten them yet. I do work up a sweat on it so I know…
  • I would just listen to your body. I would make sure that you drink some water before you work out like at least an 8 oz glass of water and then get on the treadmill. If you aren't hungry then workout and then eat a good breakfast. If that is working out for you then great. However, if you are feeling like you are ravished…
  • I love Wii Fit. I just got it about a week ago and have done it every day that I have been home for at least 25 minutes. I usually do it for at least 35 to 40 minutes. I actually enjoy the basic run and actually finally unlocked the long run and will be doing that one tomorrow. I have asthma so to be able to do this much…
  • I don't really log it I just keep my calories around 1300 because I have a special diet anyways so I just try to get the activity in. Not sure how to log it but I know there have been other discussions about logging it so you may want to search those! Sorry I couldn't be of more help.
  • When I had a long and demanding job I found that working out in the morning helped me with stress throughout the day. I was much happier and was able to keep up with things and not be so tired by the end of the day. I am also not a morning person and hate to get out of bed. Especially when there is three feet of snow here…
  • I used to be a manager at one in Indianapolis. They are really good and have a lot of sports equipment in really great condition especially exercise equipment.
  • Swimming but I also love doing the prevention workout DVD's. The walk yourself fit is a 4.5mph walking DVD that has a lot of interesting elements to it. I also love the kickboxing dvd's.
  • I know where you are coming from. I was doing really well and this week has been a horrible mess for me eating wise. I have gained back probably the 12 lbs that it took me to lose over the last three months. I went back on the medication prednisone for one week and just let my mind rule and my hunger cravings and gave in…
  • I have two herniated discs that can cause some excruciating pain. I do the Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds or I will do a few of the Prevention walking DVD's. I also swim in the winter when I can't walk outside along with the walking DVD's. I walk my dog every day just to get out besides the DVD this is why I…
  • Packaged ones have a lot of added preservatives and things you could avoid by making your own. It really is pretty easy to make and you doesn't take a lot of extra time. You could also use this with regular red potatoes as well.
  • I am alloted 1300 calories a day and this is usually what I do: Kashi Toasted Oat Cereal with 1/2 c of soy milk vanilla. Or I will have a 1/2 cup of oatmeal with 1/2 cup of granola with the milk on the side. Snack: 1 cup of fruit Lunch: Saute vegetables either zucchini and squash or a mix or colored bell peppers with 1/2…
  • Sorry I didn't realize you were a male. With that your mark would be to try to shoot for a minimum of 1500 calories for a male. Sorry. But I still live by if you aren't hungry then don't force yourself to eat.....
  • If you are not hungry I wouldn't force yourself to eat......also it sounds like you have hit 1200 calories for the day and as long as you don't go below that you are fine. So just listen to your body!!
  • I like Walk Away the Pounds by Leslie Sansone or the Prevention Walk Yourself Fit DVD's for low impact. Otherwise, I just walk outside. I have two screws in my left knee and my right knee is about shot and about ready to need the screws so I need low impact for that reason and these both fit right into very good workouts!!…
  • I did go through this for a long time. I finally quit buying the stuff that triggered my binges. The only thing I have in my house to eat is natural and organic items and fresh fruit and veggies to snack on. If I have any sweets or even bad carbs in the house I binge on them until they are gone. I also consulted my…
  • I have to eat everything organic so I basically eat clean and it has made a world of difference. I have started to lose weight when I am taking a medication that makes it almost impossible to lose weight. So it really does make a difference and you can tell when you don't eat something that is clean because it will cause…
  • Great Post. I grew up in Arkansas but live in the UP Michigan now and think they should all follow by those rules. I used to live in Kansas City, KS for a short time but worked in Lee Summit. Thanks for posting this it really made my day!!!
  • I have the opposite problem. I have problems trying to even get 1200 calories a day. I am allergic to yeast and am on a mold elimination diet which means no salad dressings, no cheese, nothing with vinegar, no mushrooms, no meat longer than 24 hours basically fresh fruits and veggies and freshly cooked organic…
  • I am over 100lbs overweight for my height and I have found that Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds is a really good way to exercise without overexertion. I have had trouble with most workout DVD's but I really enjoy hers. Her DVD's are based on walking moves and she tells you if a move is to hard to go back to walking.…
  • I find when I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables I am not hungry throughout the day which cuts down the cravings of being hungry when you are trying to get used to a specific calorie limit. Plus you can have a lot of them with very few calories adding up. Plus I drink a ton of water about 6 bottles of water a day. So that…
  • To answer some of the posts: The no milk is because I have a secondary allergy to milk. I can't have anything with sugar and most canned or processed foods have sugar in them even if it doesn't seem like they do. The mold feeds off the sugar in our bodies not in the foods themselves so if you have this type of allergy and…
  • The salad dressing thing isn't bad because I never did use any salad dressing for my salads. I have just used some fresh pepper juices. Other then that I never really used anything. I can't have anything processed. We are going to raise our own chickens this year and not sure what to do about pork but don't like red meat.…