

  • My cousin lost over 200lbs eating nothing but veggie pizzas. He said he would occasionally have pepperoni on it for the protein. Pizza isn't really that bad for you if you use flatbread or pita bread, the "light" stuff and veggies
  • you don't have to hit the gym to get exercise in. Believe it or not this site counts cooking, cleaning and doing yard work as exercise. You burn calories doing them. Just type in what you did whether walking the dog, cutting grass, weeding the garden. anything helps.
  • I have the Wii Fit Plus, we use it quite regularly. Its how I got my start. Depending on if you like to work alone or with someone. If you are more motivated with someone with you the its the not right thing for you. It help me lose weight and tone because I added ankle weights while doing the running or jogging. There is…
  • Kroger sells pure protein bars 10 for 10 all the time. They have a variety of flavors. most have 19g of protein. I found making smoothies with yogurt, fruit, ice cubes works real well. The family loves them too. Greek yogurt is quite high in sugar if I am not mistaken. Kroger also has CARBmaster yogurt which is what I use.…