usmcwallacewife Member


  • I have been on Metformin since April 31st and worked my way up from 1000 mg a day to 2000 now. Will be upping to 2500 next week. I admit, I was miserable the first 3 weeks. Glided through the 180's real quick with all the vomiting and stool issues but I kept reading in books and other blogs to just keep moving forward with…
  • I am new to the group too and looking forward to having a support system here that understands our special challenges we face!
  • I was diagnosed with PCOS April 31st. Have been on Metformin since then (up to 2000mg a day) and an hoping I get a normal cycle here soon. I have only had 3 this year so far. Jan - March - May.
  • Well that was a heck of a workout! I had already gone to the gym today and completed 20 minutes on the elliptical and a killer arm/back workout. Little did I know that this workout is a total body workout! I got sweatier during the video than I did at my hour session at the gym!!!! I LOVE it! I have to admit that it was…
  • I will be getting a BodyBugg in 2 weeks and I will let everyone know then what the monitor states for my build and weight. I can't wait to see how many calories I burn!
  • Incredibly motivating! Good job :happy:
  • All- Sorry my measurements are late. Was on vacation :) Weight: 194.8 Height: 5'6" Waist: 40.75 Hips: 44 Chest: 43.75 Neck: 15
  • I did 3 rounds of the Jillian Michaels Fitness Adventure. Xbox Kinect game/workout. i love what a killer workout it is and it is fun!!!!! 3 rounds is about 12-15 minutes for me. 2 rounds of Level 1 1 round of Level 2
  • I just bought Kale yesterday to attempt to make kale chips as well. I found a recipe in EveryDay with Rachel Ray from Thanksgiving time frame. I don't have Dinosaur Kale as called for but the curly kind that is typical at Safeway etc. I am going to try to make some sea salt and pepper ones and also some spicy ones. I pray…
  • We bought it on Amazon and it arrived the next day. We haven't started it yet so this is a perfect time to start! My brother and sister-in law are doing it with me as well.