

  • Someone recently suggested greek yogurt....I've never tried it but I guess it's worth a try. :smile:
  • Thanks everyone for quick responses....Zara I did the search and obviously this is a hot topic...thanks for the info.!!! Keepin' on truckin'....
  • Hi, I am somewhat new here and was curious what most people do regarding exercise calories. I workout 5-6 days a week and burn about 500-600 cals per time. My thought is that I should "eat" some of the calories that the "myfitnesspal" adds on to my daily total, but that I should not eat all of them. On the days I don't…
  • Hi, Not sure if this helps but I grab a bottle of water and some veggies. Usually after I drink the bottle of water and chow on some raw veggies I am good. I have also been looking into "blended salads" as an alternative...it's like a cold veggie soup. Google it on the web and there are lots of recipes...just try to…