gynoid Member


  • I'm 5'8 and started at 146. Currently I'm 125-126, but I'd quite like to be 120. I'm not sure if that's realistic, so I'm not focussing on the numbers much at the moment, but rather on my measurements and on getting some proper strength training in. I'd rather build muscle and have less body fat than lose the weight, to be…
  • Made this last night and it was really good. Honey + soy sauce is always a winner! Thanks for the recipe. :)
  • I'm 25, 5'8, 144.5 pounds (down from 147), aiming for 135. :)
  • That must feel so great! Nearly there - well done! :)
  • L1D3 done and dusted! I could definitely tell that my stamina had improved, but my calves were still aching from yesterday so it was difficult in a different way. I'm doing everything unmodified except the push-ups, but I still need to get heavier weights. Thanks so much for the encouragement, maggieholmes and…
  • Phew - L1D2 done, and it was both harder and easier. The first ten minutes were hell, and then I almost enjoyed the last ten! My muscles are aching a lot more than after day 1, but I really pushed myself today and tried to do all the unmodified exercises. Push-ups are still killing me though!
  • Hi everyone! I've just started today with level 1. I did some modified, some advanced (I am so bad at press-ups) and I used 1 pound weights just to ease myself in. I haven't done any formal exercise for years, but I walk quite a lot, and while I was a bit wobbly by the end, it wasn't too bad! I feel tired but good now, and…