KimM93000 Member


  • I'm starting it when I get home from work tonight! I've done it in the past, but never made it past day 10 so I'm really going to push to make it through the 30 days this time. Friend me if you would like! ;-)
  • Beautiful! that's the exact same dress I'm wearing in a wedding next weekend! Unfortunately, I don't have the success story you did. When we tried on dresses in Jan, I needed a 20, but ordered a 16 because I had lost 50 pounds & planned to keep losing. Unfortunately, I didn't lose much more so I just had to exchange my 16…
  • lol I know! I saw it bleeped me, but I figured everyone would get what I was talking about. I was trying to think of a way to say it that it would let me. hahahaha
  • I think it's a great question too! I also have no answer, but will be watching this thread for suggestions. ;-)
  • I just went to my first Zumba class tonight & also have it on my PS3. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!!!! Check out this website that shows how many calories you burn while doing it. It is a GREAT workout & lots of fun too!
    in Zumba?? Comment by KimM93000 August 2011