RachMartin Member


  • Hi you can find the full level 1 for free on You Tube while you wait for your DVD :-)
  • Hi I started the 30 day shred today too - I've started many times before but never finished - got to about day 7 or 8 in the past. My hubby does the 6 week 6 pack and I shred - I think one is enough I can't believe you are doing both lol :) Add me as a friend and we can motivate each other - just finished day 1 today and…
  • Abbey I just posted a link for you but here it is again incase you didn't see it - I like you love the taste of wine but not the hangover / calorie content :-) http://www.arielvineyards.com/wines.html Cheers!! ;-) Rach x x
  • Mooser you are sooooo right, I love the taste of a nice glass of wine or even a beer but I hate how calorific it is or how inconvenient it is if you have to drive etc but while like a glass with your dinner. Please check out the following website - it is actual wine and not Shloer or another fruit juice - it is award…
  • You look absolutely amazing - HUGE CONGRATS!!!!!!! Love Rach xx
  • Excellent pics Megan well done you look FAB!!!!!!!! :D I too am following Jillian Michaels DVDs but wasn't sure of the results they can get but now I know!! You are soooooo inspiring thank you for sharing Rach x x x
  • I totally agree!! If I am up late I normally start wanting a chocolate treat whilst watching a movie or something so I make an options hot choc instead - so many yummy flavours to choose from, only 40 cals and totally satisfies a choc craving and fills you right up!! :D However if you are in a shop and want to buy some…
  • haribo halloween jellies :-)
  • we play tennis together and at home we both do our Jillian Michaels work out dvd's but he does 6 week 6 pack and I do 30ds :-)
  • Hi Guys - I aim to lose roughly 2lb a week which according to my calculations will take me from 144lb (10st4lb) to 120lb (8st8lb) by christmas?!?!?! I hope I can do this as I'd be over the moon with that!!! GOOD LUCK ALL!! :-) Rach xx Week 1 (9/25)-SW 144.0 Week 2 (10/2)- 142.4 (-1.10) Week 3 (10/9)- 140.2 (-2.2) Week 4…
  • If you fancy some chocolate try having a healthy hot chocolate instead - it satisfies my cravings and they are only about 38 cals for things like cadburys highlights and skinny cow etc - some yummy flavours too like mint, turkish delight, choc orange etc - almost as good as the real things ;D x good luck
  • I think you are supposed to have about 2 litres a day so I guess one cup is 250ml? other people will prob say they have other amounts tho lol :)
  • IF I get my kids to join in can I count theirs too lol :laugh:
  • LOL once you pop....... :wink:
  • walkers sensations crisps - sweet chilli flavour!!!
  • Hi Guys I am based in County Durham, North East England. 28years old and married with 3 children. Got about 22lb to go to my ultimate goal although I'd be happy with 15/16lbs :) Feel free to add me anyone Rach x
  • Hi Katy I will add you - I've just started again too after joining last year and lost nothing coz I didn't really stick to tracking everything but I will now!!! :) Rach x
  • Hi Guys - I aim to lose roughly 2lb a week which according to my calculations will take me from 144lb (10st4lb) to 120lb (8st8lb) by christmas?!?!?! I hope I can do this as I'd be over the moon with that!!! GOOD LUCK ALL!! :-) Rach xx Week 1 (9/25)-SW 144.0 Week 2 (10/2)- 142.4 (-1.10) Week 3 (10/9)- Week 4 (10/16)- Week 5…
  • I think the 30 day shred DVD is good however I don't do it for more than 2 days in a row as I'm aching all over so I prefer to do tennis or a different work out dvd for a couple of days then return to 30day shred. Not what Jillian advises but I find it hard working the same muscles that are aching from the day before as I…
  • Welcome and good luck to you all Please add me if you would like to make a new friend from the UK :-) Rach xx
  • Hey all WT4J, I'm aiming to get on the Wii in the a.m., before my day begins...by afternoon and the gym, I'm wiped out...wish me luck! Just gotta get that super hula # in the running:happy: [/quote] Hey what's your Super Hula Hoop 6 minute score I tried it for the first time today and got 1917 I had to have a 3 minute rest…
  • Hello and welcome Well done for joining and yes you are right it is great to message message boards where we can all support each other Wishing you lots of luck! Rach :-)
  • Hi Mandy I hope you enjoy this site :-) Rach xx
  • Top of the list is EA sports active - rrp £44.99 Check out this website to get it for a massive sale price of £13.99 includes leg strap, resistance band and free delivery!!! BARGAIN! http://www.play.com/Games/Wii/4-/8114672/EA-Sports-Active-Personal-Fitness-Trainer/Product.html
  • Top of the list is EA sports active - rrp £44.99 Check out this website to get it for a massive sale price of £13.99 includes leg strap, resistance band and free delivery!!! BARGAIN! http://www.play.com/Games/Wii/4-/8114672/EA-Sports-Active-Personal-Fitness-Trainer/Product.html
  • Hi Guys Here's a great list of the ten best exercise games for the Wii It comes with reviews and little movies so you can watch screen shots of the games I think I'm gonna have to purchase 1 or 2 of these :-) Have a look and I hope it helps :-) Rach xx http://www.nutwiisystem.com/best-wii-exercise-games.html
  • What's your scores then? :-) My super hula hoop is 810 What other activities are you guys the champions of in your household? ;-) Rach xx
  • Hi there I'm from England too and it's so true what you were saying about the pricey clubs and websites - I've been stung with them ones before!! But I'm spreading the word about myfitnesspal coz it's the best :-) Good luck with your journey Rach xx
  • Does anyone post any top scores on here - personal bests etc lol we could get a little leader board going or something? :-) For instance if you own the WiiFit Plus what's your superhulahoop score etc? - mine is 810 What's the best way to go about this posting scores etc? Just for fun lol Rach xx PS bring on July!!!! :-)
  • Does anyone post any top scores on here - personal bests etc lol we could get a little leader board going or something? :-) For instance if you own the WiiFit Plus what's your superhulahoop score etc? - mine is 810 What's the best way to go about this posting scores etc? Just for fun lol Rach xx