Wii Team for JULY !



  • spike1380
    spike1380 Posts: 82
    I decided to give the snowball fight a try today. I started on beginner and after 1 try, unlocked advanced. After 1 try on advanced I unlocked expert. Expert is HARD! They aren't throwing snowballs! They throw Frosty's HEAD!!! How gruesome! LOL. One hit from Frosty's head and you're out. I can see that I'm going to have fun with that one.
  • loopybec2002
    loopybec2002 Posts: 313 Member
    Frostys head haha.... If that doesnt give you the motivation to dodge out of the way I don't think anything will. Im a big fan of my Wii fit Plus especially the boxing at advanced stage and the super hoop 6 Mins (Anymore and my ribs hurt for days) I dont own any other fitness games for the Wii because I thought they may be pretty much the same but can anybody recomend any that are completely different that i could use along side the wii fit plus.
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    Frostys head haha.... If that doesnt give you the motivation to dodge out of the way I don't think anything will. Im a big fan of my Wii fit Plus especially the boxing at advanced stage and the super hoop 6 Mins (Anymore and my ribs hurt for days) I dont own any other fitness games for the Wii because I thought they may be pretty much the same but can anybody recomend any that are completely different that i could use along side the wii fit plus.
    @ loopybec
    my kids love the Mario Bros games...they seem quite challenging, perhaps that'll fill your quest!
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    When I was in NY last week, I went to Big Lots. They have double Wii packs for $20. I found Punch Out. I had never heard of it and it looked interesting, especially since I like the Wii Fit boxing so much. But, I had never heard of it and I didn't get it. Now I've done some research and I'm really regretting not getting it. Do any of you use it? What do you think? Is it a better workout than the Fit Boxing? Should I send my sister to the store to get it for me?
    @ spike1380
    my kids are ridiculous w/the boxing! It's so much of a workout that I haven't mustered up the energy to do another round...you may have something there....hope you can find it again.

    Hey all WT4J,
    I'm aiming to get on the Wii in the a.m., before my day begins...by afternoon and the gym, I'm wiped out...wish me luck! Just gotta get that super hula # in the running:happy:
  • spike1380
    spike1380 Posts: 82
    loopy: Did your Wii come with Sports? They usually do if you buy it new. I just found out last night that it has Boxing! It's so much fun - way better than the Rhythm Boxing. You actually get to fight other Mii's! I played 6 rounds. I won all 6. There were by KO and 3 were by decision. It was cool the way the opponent actually got more difficult as I went along. The 6th guy actually put me down on the floor once.

    Sports Resort is also a lot of fun. If you use your whole body in Wakeboarding, you can get a really good workout. Archery is fun and is good for arm strength. Basketball has a free throw challenge that's a lot of fun.

    Other than that, I don't have any Wii games that give a particularly good workout. I have Lego Star Wars but that's just like playing a regular game.
  • Sbozek123
    Sbozek123 Posts: 94 Member
    Frostys head haha.... If that doesnt give you the motivation to dodge out of the way I don't think anything will. Im a big fan of my Wii fit Plus especially the boxing at advanced stage and the super hoop 6 Mins (Anymore and my ribs hurt for days) I dont own any other fitness games for the Wii because I thought they may be pretty much the same but can anybody recomend any that are completely different that i could use along side the wii fit plus.

    I love my Wii EA Active More Active "game". It's about $20, but you do need a fitness band and leg strap that comes from Sports Active (you can buy it seperatly for $15). I am currently doing the 6 week challenge on Low, and am sweating my butt off doing the workouts - I love that it has a warm up and cool down for every workout challenge. There are pushups, ab work, some running, but it gives a pretty good full body workout.
  • loopybec2002
    loopybec2002 Posts: 313 Member
    loopy: Did your Wii come with Sports? They usually do if you buy it new. I just found out last night that it has Boxing! It's so much fun - way better than the Rhythm Boxing. You actually get to fight other Mii's! I played 6 rounds. I won all 6. There were by KO and 3 were by decision. It was cool the way the opponent actually got more difficult as I went along. The 6th guy actually put me down on the floor once.

    Sports Resort is also a lot of fun. If you use your whole body in Wakeboarding, you can get a really good workout. Archery is fun and is good for arm strength. Basketball has a free throw challenge that's a lot of fun.

    Other than that, I don't have any Wii games that give a particularly good workout. I have Lego Star Wars but that's just like playing a regular game.

    Yes it came with wii sports and I will look the boxing up.. I love rhythm boxing so much, but it does get boring after 20minutes because its so repetative. I love the wii fit and how it tells you how many calories you have burnt I currently burn off a chocolate bar 4 times a week so once I go on tonight i'll post my best scores and we can have a challenge going on see if you can do as well as others.

    I don't have sports resort but will go and purchase it if its good. I do enjoy the skateboarding game on the Wii Plus.
  • KJLDavies
    KJLDavies Posts: 30 Member
    Hi everyone! I love the Wii! So I thought I'd join in! I use WiiFit Plus to do my weigh-in. I've completely mastered both the regular stepping and advanced stepping (Perfect on every single step!) and gotten "Perfect March!" on both the beginner and advanced Parade March thing. But, I still can not finish the stupid beginner skateboarding! I am awful at it!!! I love the Wii, though. I just started Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred and while I do my regular WiiFit on the days I don't do it (on the two "rest" days), on the days I do the "shredding" I do 33 minutes of balance games to help my balance (which isn't great, despite the fact I've been a dancer my whole life!), to make it an even 60 minutes of work-out. I love it! Anyway, hello everyone! I'm glad to have found a "Wii" thread!
  • loopybec2002
    loopybec2002 Posts: 313 Member
    Hi everyone! I love the Wii! So I thought I'd join in! I use WiiFit Plus to do my weigh-in. I've completely mastered both the regular stepping and advanced stepping (Perfect on every single step!) and gotten "Perfect March!" on both the beginner and advanced Parade March thing. But, I still can not finish the stupid beginner skateboarding! I am awful at it!!! I love the Wii, though. I just started Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred and while I do my regular WiiFit on the days I don't do it (on the two "rest" days), on the days I do the "shredding" I do 33 minutes of balance games to help my balance (which isn't great, despite the fact I've been a dancer my whole life!), to make it an even 60 minutes of work-out. I love it! Anyway, hello everyone! I'm glad to have found a "Wii" thread!

    Hey!! How strange is that i love the skateboarding but the parade march tells me im rubbish lol it keeps telling me to stay in time. I love stepping but havent got full points yet. Ive read alot about the shredding what is this??
  • KJLDavies
    KJLDavies Posts: 30 Member
    loopy - I don't know how to do that "quote" thing, but this is your answer!

    It's Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. It's a DVD that is approximately 27 minutes long (including warm-up, exercise, and cool-down). You do 3-min of strength training (using hand weights), 2-min of cardio, then 1-min of abs, no break, three times through. There's three levels, and the usual plan is to do each level for 10 days, then move up to the next one, but you can do it differently. It's really hard for me (I'm pretty out of shape!), but it gets better and my endurance is building. I enjoy it so far, but it's definitely not as fun as the Wii. : )
  • loopybec2002
    loopybec2002 Posts: 313 Member
    So todays wii Workout went alittle like this.......

    Advanced Step - Twice 634-both times (damn)
    Muscle Single leg Twists - 20 reps
    Super Hula Hoop 6 Mins - 1950 Spins
    Advanced Boxing 10mins - 1179
    Yoga Standing Knee Pose
    Yoga Sun Salutation
    Muscle - Side ways Leg lifts 20reps
    Tricep Extension 20reps
    I'm getting tired now so its time for games!!
    Super 10 -- 20 27 solved out of thirty my hips just wont move where i tell them!
    Cycling Island View Course 6.685km
    Advanced Step -626
    Muscle Single leg Twists - 10 reps

    I am on the exercise from doing nothing I have been at it two week and only do it every other day i have a 30min walk on the other day.
    Any Ideas suggestions on how to get the best of my workout welcome This was 381Cal and 1hr.8mins long

  • spike1380
    spike1380 Posts: 82
    Loopy you must be really good at the boxing. I didn't even know you could go that high on advanced! I do expert which is about 13 minutes and my highest score is 1114! Today I was off so I only got 1084. Ever since I started doing the Sports Boxing my whole upper body is sore. Add cramps to that and I'm definitely sore this week. But, my upper body feel GOOD! I don't just feel the pain in my arms. I feel it in my shoulders, neck, and my entire back. It's not an ow I hurt myself pain. It's an ooo that feels good pain. I managed to curb the tennis elbow in my right arm by putting on my tennis elbow strap so while it still hurts, it hasn't gotten any worse. The only other score I recorded was the 10 minute super hula hoop. I only got 3241 on that. I have been scoring as unranked on hula hoop all week.

    But, yesterday when I did the advanced juggling, I scored over 2200!!! I beat my previous high score by over 1000! I dropped 1 ball in the first 10 seconds and then didn't drop any til the last 5 seconds, where I dropped all 5, lol.

    I don't understand how people can score even close to perfect on the step or the marching band. I have no rhythm. Even in music lessons I couldn't follow the metronome. I can walk and talk at the same time and I was even on the drill team and color guard in high school. But, I was the commander so everyone followed MY rhythm. When marching in a parade with the whole unit though, I was constantly out of step. My ROTC Colonel used to make fun of me for my inability to walk and swing my arms at the same time.

    The Wii is definitely helping me with my rhythm though. And my balance.

    So, today I started out with 1 set from each of the preset routines (the ones that have 3 per category, 3 per set). That was about 25 minutes. Then I did my island run - which I'm having issues with because I actually run and i don't agree with the calories burned but I don't have an HRM to prove it. I also did the rhythm boxing, super hula hoop and I tried to juggle but it's very hard to do when you have sweat pouring off you and when your glasses are fogging up.

    After I gave up on the juggling, I swapped over to Sports for boxing. I did 10 minutes of training, 17 of fighting, and one session of dodging training to cool down. I dodged 40 balls!!
  • RachMartin
    RachMartin Posts: 44 Member
    Hey all WT4J,
    I'm aiming to get on the Wii in the a.m., before my day begins...by afternoon and the gym, I'm wiped out...wish me luck! Just gotta get that super hula # in the running:happy:

    Hey what's your Super Hula Hoop 6 minute score
    I tried it for the first time today and got 1917
    I had to have a 3 minute rest in-between the 2 rounds tho! ;-)
  • loopybec2002
    loopybec2002 Posts: 313 Member
    Loopy you must be really good at the boxing. I didn't even know you could go that high on advanced! I do expert which is about 13 minutes and my highest score is 1114! Today I was off so I only got 1084. Ever since I started doing the Sports Boxing my whole upper body is sore. Add cramps to that and I'm definitely sore this week. But, my upper body feel GOOD! I don't just feel the pain in my arms. I feel it in my shoulders, neck, and my entire back. It's not an ow I hurt myself pain. It's an ooo that feels good pain. I managed to curb the tennis elbow in my right arm by putting on my tennis elbow strap so while it still hurts, it hasn't gotten any worse. The only other score I recorded was the 10 minute super hula hoop. I only got 3241 on that. I have been scoring as unranked on hula hoop all week.

    But, yesterday when I did the advanced juggling, I scored over 2200!!! I beat my previous high score by over 1000! I dropped 1 ball in the first 10 seconds and then didn't drop any til the last 5 seconds, where I dropped all 5, lol.

    I don't understand how people can score even close to perfect on the step or the marching band. I have no rhythm. Even in music lessons I couldn't follow the metronome. I can walk and talk at the same time and I was even on the drill team and color guard in high school. But, I was the commander so everyone followed MY rhythm. When marching in a parade with the whole unit though, I was constantly out of step. My ROTC Colonel used to make fun of me for my inability to walk and swing my arms at the same time.

    The Wii is definitely helping me with my rhythm though. And my balance.

    So, today I started out with 1 set from each of the preset routines (the ones that have 3 per category, 3 per set). That was about 25 minutes. Then I did my island run - which I'm having issues with because I actually run and i don't agree with the calories burned but I don't have an HRM to prove it. I also did the rhythm boxing, super hula hoop and I tried to juggle but it's very hard to do when you have sweat pouring off you and when your glasses are fogging up.

    After I gave up on the juggling, I swapped over to Sports for boxing. I did 10 minutes of training, 17 of fighting, and one session of dodging training to cool down. I dodged 40 balls!!

    Its a miricle i got that high!! my boxing skill are fabulous especially when i have a bad day at work!! haha I ache on my arms when i box but not after I have done it. The worst pain for me on the Wii fit is after the hula hoop I try not to have a break and just go for it but then the next day my lower back and my ribs really hurt, now I am getting fitter and im warming up and down with muscle stretches and yogo I'm feeling much less sore the next day. It's my day to go on the Wii tonight after work and I am actually looking forward to it.

    I don't run outside because I feel like everyone is watching me. I am not very big but just very self concious. Tonight my goal is to do my normal exercise and then go on the wii sports for the first time!
  • loopybec2002
    loopybec2002 Posts: 313 Member
    Oh and Ill have a go at the juggling tonight also but my rythem is none exsistent so I dont hold out much hope!!