Aww, I am so proud of you! Your pics are so inspiring, and I love that I know your story well and can relate. I have watch you grow through your pregnancy and also overcome weight struggles while becoming a phenomenal mom! You are one in a ya girly and I am so happy for your success!
For most ppl, they are more of an annoying feeling than painful. I have is rather large. The first one I got I was in Miami on vacation, I enjoyed the experience, I went back and got another one the same day about an hour before getting on my flight. Like others have said, I enjoy the tattoo feeling. The only…
Dont be discouraged! I can see definate results especially around the waist and stomach area. We are in the same boat...I started at 256, I am at 230 now and I feel like I dont see change either...but ppl keep telling me randomly I have lost weight or look smaller, also many of my super tight clothes are fitting looser.…
Great Job!
Umm give it some time! Honestly, if you are exercising alot and especially if you didnt before these two weeks, then you will see results. However remember muscle weighs 3 times more than fat. If your are building lean muscle then you may see an increase in weight or stay the same temporarily, however this doesnt mean…
Umm give it some time! Honestly, if you are exercising alot and especially if you didnt before these two weeks, then you will see results. However remember muscle weighs 3 times more than fat. If your are building lean muscle then you may see an increase in weight or stay the same temporarily, however this doesnt mean…
I went from 245 lbs to 155lbs about 7 years ago, but I was stressed and didnt eat for days at a time, and didnt really work out at all. I wasn't trying to starve myself, it was more like I was so stressed out, I either didn't have an appetite or I would forget to eat since I had so much going on. Then in 2007 I was…
Your story is very inspiring! Great job!!!
I have been wondering about this too. I am guessing you start with the calories it takes to basically just live without doing anything at the new weight you have achieved and then adjust based on the activity in your daily lifestyle. I am curious to see how others have done this as well.
Great Progress!!!!
This is just gross! I dont get why ppl feel the need to do this, but to each their own. I can only speak for myself and for me this is not appropriate anywhere accept my home.
You look fantastic! Excellent results....and your smile lights up, you look so happy...just beautiful!
Luv u too, thanks Whitney for the positive support and being awesome! Hot Mommies 2012....we're on are way! :happy:
OMG, you look so fabulous...congrats! We are in a similar boat (accept I am year slower getting hardcore about getting in shape)...My daughter was born April 27th, 2011. I weighed 246 at the time, then lost 18 lbs, then gained the 18 back plus and extra 5 lbs a few months after my daughter was born. Despite what most ppl…
Whitney you look awesome! I am so proud of you mamas! I also wanted to comment regarding the breastfeeding someone who has seen your journey from before having baby J through now...I know your success is totally because of all your hard work. I agree breastfeeding did not have anything to do with it. You and…
Yes!!!! I live in souteast MI and have been wanting to run but its to dang hot! I just had a baby at the end of April and wanted to go for morning walks with her this week before I go back to work from maternity next can do...ITS TOO HOT :(