horraceclink Member


  • congrats-- you look great and happy too!
  • try spinning class- if I take a class, i work harder than if I were on my own on a machine, when I slow down when I am tired. Also being with other people makes it impossible for me to leave early, as I'd be embarrassed to quit. But if I'm on my own, I tend to rest. When I'm done, I know I did something/I sweat, which I…
  • I am overweight, but your goal and CW seem way underweight-- you might want to find a nutritionist and doctor to help you set healthy goals. Unless you are a child and under 5 feet, you probably should not weight under 100 pounds.
  • i deleted mine last Feb. i was feeling like a spy on my friends, and self conscious-- i don't think i'm mature enough for a facebook account! i was spending more time alone looking at facebook than with people, and it was depressing me. but i do miss some parties and news. maybe someday i'll be mature enough to go back to…