So, I deactivated my Facebook account. I feel

JasmineSelena Posts: 8 Member
edited 9:34AM in Introduce Yourself
I can admit that I had a problem. Hopefully now, I can start using that time to be productive. Maybe have more sex, eat better food, work out more...Did I mention have more sex? Winning, duh. Also, I need friends on MFP. I'm not saying, I'm just saying.


  • prettyprpro
    prettyprpro Posts: 128 Member
    That is a good idea. Maybe I should do that and have more sex with my husband! Lol
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    I did that awhile ago, had several months away then went back. it's such a great feeling, like detoxing my life or something. Not so much because I spend too much time there, but it does get emotionally and time consuming feeling like I need to respond to everyone, and keep up with everyone, and then there is always the drama.
  • elsham
    elsham Posts: 549 Member
    YOU GOOOO GIRL!! I deactivated my account almost 3 years ago and honestly, best decision of my life. I lived a lot more and got a lot more face time with people. Also realized who and what I really needed in my life, and my friends became more special. MFP is sort of becoming addicting right now too, but not to the same extent. There's a health benefit here lol. And when I need off time, I just log in using the app, where there are no forums and friends =)) Although the friends really help with the motivation thing, so add away. Just saying.
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    I deactivated mine shortly after New Year's...thinking I'd take a month off from it. Interestingly, I got serious about weight loss a couple weeks after that and here I am almost 40lbs lighter--maybe because I decided to NOT reactivate my Facebook account? :)
  • CalPolyBronco
    CalPolyBronco Posts: 201 Member
    I was very late to the FB game. I'm kinda sorry I created an account. I felt like I was "missing out" somehow on peoples lives....but now I'm sorry I did. You realize how catty people can be, how cruel the "faceless world" of FB can be. How pointless clicking through peoples pictures and updates are.....the people that truly care about me, will call me.
  • amber_hanners
    amber_hanners Posts: 388 Member
    i know what you mean since ive been on mfp ive cut back on fb so much and i feel better. please feel free to add me
  • methetree
    methetree Posts: 381
    add me if you want....
    I can't give FB up yet. I live long distance from my friends.
    So it's how I keep in touch... when I move back, maybe.

    Besides I'm single... the only person who cares is the dog... LOL
  • jesienia
    jesienia Posts: 294
    Feels great, doesn't it? I did that about 6 months ago and I get a lot more done now!
  • EricJonrosh
    EricJonrosh Posts: 823 Member
    I deactivated FB two weeks ago, so liberating. I've been reading about social networks and how they have changed the definition of friendships. That scared me. People are growing detached from "real time" interaction. Remember when you would collect photos in a photo album and someone would have to COME OVER FOR DINNER and look at them with you. Facebook is just another way to weaken the life experience, like the personal watermelon.
  • horraceclink
    horraceclink Posts: 4 Member
    i deleted mine last Feb. i was feeling like a spy on my friends, and self conscious-- i don't think i'm mature enough for a facebook account! i was spending more time alone looking at facebook than with people, and it was depressing me. but i do miss some parties and news. maybe someday i'll be mature enough to go back to it.
  • JasmineSelena
    JasmineSelena Posts: 8 Member
    Yes, you guys!!! Oh my gosh!! I feel like I have so much more time to think. It's sad if I told you that I spent like 1/3 of my day on FB before, isn't it? Guys, seriously. Add me! I need motivation. But not like that damn Kelly Rowland song that makes me think of old men with erectile dysfunction.
  • SusanMcAvoy
    SusanMcAvoy Posts: 445 Member
    I have spent less time on FB now that I'm on MFP. I don't even miss it. I still log on and play the games some days but not like I used to. MFP is fabulous. I'll send you a friend request, no problem. Have great night :flowerforyou:
  • I'm still on FB, but I've deleted my toxic friends. :) Do what you've got to do to maintain a positive environment. Add me as a friend if you'd like motivation!
  • Aloxander
    Aloxander Posts: 121 Member
    Congrats on your official Divorce with fb. I am anti social-network until I found MFP. There is a big difference though in MFP we are all here to meet goals together to support each other not to criticize, judge & snoop around. Not that its bad but I really like that MFP helps us accomplish success while sharing it with others. :tongue:
  • Aloxander
    Aloxander Posts: 121 Member
    Congrats on your official Divorce with fb. I am anti social-network until I found MFP. There is a big difference though in MFP we are all here to meet goals together to support each other not to criticize, judge & snoop around. Not that its bad but I really like that MFP helps us accomplish success while sharing it with others. :tongue:
  • JasmineSelena
    JasmineSelena Posts: 8 Member
    Haha... I wish I could like all of your comments individually!! I'm such lame sauce, I know. So, I need to lose like 30 lbs. I think without the FB distraction I can seriously get serious!
  • beccau_20
    beccau_20 Posts: 191 Member
    Remember when everyone started deleting their MySpace accounts?

    Facebook isn't too far behind.
  • JasmineSelena
    JasmineSelena Posts: 8 Member
    I have Google+ and I think it's the next big thing. No one has really quite discovered it yet though.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    if u use safari, they have an app called leechblock which could allow you to keep Facebook, but use it when you want...
  • Humphrizzle
    Humphrizzle Posts: 60 Member
    what's wrong with facebook?

    i enjoy talking to friends i dont get to see often.
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