What works for you?

tjones7 Posts: 306
edited 9:57AM in Fitness and Exercise
Hello MFP.

I have no clue what I'm doing in a gym or how long I'm suppose to do it to get results. Sometimes I watch other members s to see what muscles they are working on machines and sometimes I will do them after them but if you don't mind sharing What is your GYM routine?

I usually start with cardio...either the elliptical or cross trainer for 15-20 minutes. I never really change my levels but I am sweating and in my target heart rate.

Then I will go do stationary weight machines I do more on the areas I hate but I usually do 2-3 sets of 20 or 15.

Then if I can keep my head in the game I will hop on treadmill and try jogg an entire song.

If I take an fitness class then I just do weights.

I'm looking for a great routine that will help me feel like I've accomplished something, tone up, and lose fat.


  • horraceclink
    horraceclink Posts: 4 Member
    try spinning class- if I take a class, i work harder than if I were on my own on a machine, when I slow down when I am tired. Also being with other people makes it impossible for me to leave early, as I'd be embarrassed to quit. But if I'm on my own, I tend to rest. When I'm done, I know I did something/I sweat, which I tend not to on my own. Good luck!
  • tjones7
    tjones7 Posts: 306
    Thanks. But I HATE spinning. It hurts my "private parts" :)
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Can you talk to a personal trainer? Most gyms offer a free assessment to get you comfortable with the machines and give you a routine to start with.

    Mine looks something like this:
    Warm up on treadmill 10 minutes

    Squats with medicine ball(8 pounds) 3 sets of 15
    Lunges with dumbells(12.5 to 15 pounds) 3 sets of 10 each leg
    Situps with medicine ball(8 pounds) 3 sets of 15
    Oblique Twists with Medicine ball(8 pounds) 3 sets of 30
    Planks 3 sets at 30 seconds each
    Seated Row 3 sets of 10-12 with about 22 pounds of weight
    Assisted Pull up machine 3 sets each grip(so six sets total) with 140 pounds of weight
    Tri cep dips 3 sets of 15.

    Mind you this is all a mash up of what my trainer normally has me do. Sometimes I add more exercises or if I'm crunched for time, less exercises.
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    New Rules of Lifting or New Rules of Lifting for Women will give you tips on strength work.
  • krm0789
    krm0789 Posts: 134 Member
    This is my new/current routine:
    M, W, & sometimes Friday:
    20 minutes on the AMT machine (I prefer to do this last, but people always hog it!)
    30ish minutes C25K

    T, Th:
    28 minutes, weight loss program on the elliptical

    I find that I can't do the same thing every day or I get bored, but I also hate to fiddle with new routines. I'm all about getting on the machine & zoning out.
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