Hi I'm uk also. Based near Newcastle upon Tyne. I have a shocking 150lbs to lose or thereabouts. I'm also looking for a fantastic support group. Please feel free to add me.
Boom! Right there... Trollololol Don't feed them.
:/ This is disturbing. I didn't go on Thursday, I made an excuse. Basically I got my monthly for the first time in 4 years and it wiped me out. I intend to try and go tonight again.
You'll all be pleased to learn, that I did go, my husband persuaded me and promised he'd stay with me the whole time we were there, and he did bless him, I probably hampered his workout some what. It was all those things I imagined it was going to be, but I did it, and we are going to try and go again on Thursday.
As long as you are maintaining a healthy weight I don't see a problem. Are you still losing or maintaining now?
I told my husband in a text lol, all he said was he knew and he didn't care and it didn't change how he felt about me. Trying to explain to him how I felt about it is was a whole different ball game though :/
I have PCOS, I'm struggling like hell to lose weight and my docs just wont give me Met, they refuse to take out my coil and are generally, "if you don't lose weight you'll die"
Great Food
I may be being completely ignorant here, but HCG is the hormone that is present in early pregnancy yes? Do you not mimic pregnancy symptoms?
Not everyone does it at all! You have a poor outlook on life sweetie!
OT I know... under age drinking is a crime, therefore you were committing the same crime as the 'chavs'. I find it appalling that so many of you think so little of our Police force! I'd like to see you (general you) do their job, with all the restrictions that are in place. Having petrol bombs, fireworks, bricks all thrown…
This is all just too much!
Wooo! Go us! Alot on the board already!
I've added!
I use a stationary bike for 30 mins per day, then dance on dance central for 15-20, so what 2-3 more songs on the game wont kill me right?!!! (If you never hear from me again, you know its beat me hahah)
I'm gonna keep an eye on this, I'm not quite at 60 Mins of exercise yet, but its something I'd definitely like to aim for!
NOoooooO! Don't do it!
Perfect explanation!
Apparently.... there is no difference between "whole grain rice" and "brown rice." In both cases - they describe rice grains that have only had their outer-most layer removed. That layer, called "the hull" or "the husk" is indigestible to people. Directly below the husk is the bran layer - that is the brown layer on brown…
I have a steamer that I use, so I cheat I guess :D I have been known to burn huge pans of rice though! That's awesome! I want a rice cooker! I SUCK at making rice, lol.
- have a look at this post!
I never see people on here from here, then there's 3 of us in one place!
I work in Gateshead!
Welcome aboard! Im in the UK as well, Newcastle upon Tyne :D
ahaha Cookies, Ice Cream, Haribo, Cake, Junk Food, Take Out, Chocolate oh god the chocolate!