Ladywaring Member


  • My exercise regimen consists of Walking at 3.6 mph (at least) on a 3% incline (at least) for 30 to 40 minutes 2 to 3 days a week. I do aerobic/sculpt dvds 3 days a week, these are usually 35 to 45 minutes and are high intentity. I have Jillian Michaels 6 weeks abs and 30 day shred. I recently bought The Firm Express and…
  • Opened my diary up for everyone to view. I don't think I eat bad foods or even too much either carbs or protien. But, i may well be missing or have too much of something. Check it out and please let me know if you see anything. Thanks for everyones help.
  • Looks like great choices. If that is what your in the mood for all at the same time, I say go for it. I've done cereal and crackers with salsa together.
  • You've already made the first step, logging in and getting started. Good food choices and exercise! Lots of inspiration and motivation help here. Good Luck! And feel free to friend me:)
  • Welcome to you both and good health. I have found great support here. And knowing that others can see my food diary helps me make better choices and stay on track...Most of the time. Feel free to friend me. Happy Losing!
  • AMAZING!! Your shirt's story are a great inspiration for us all.
  • I don't know what Skinny Cow has in it. But chemicals and generally unhealthy things to look for are the things you can't pronounce and hydrogenated oils especially "partially hydrogenated". From all my health magazine reading those are the main ones I can remember. Corn syrup is still a 50/50 split whether people think it…
  • For me it seems to just be luck of the draw. Sometimes I find a good one and sometimes I get one that has no support at all. I know that really doesn't help, just make sure you get the correct size, cup and measurements. It makes a huge difference and when you lose weight you may lose a cup or inches around. For working…
  • WOW! Wasn't expecting so many replies. Thanks everyone! I'm glad I wasn't just missing something about calories. Sounds like there is a big debate about using your exercise calories. I think I will just use some, sometimes and not others as long as I use them wisely and use them when I do strength training. AWESOME Support…