

  • To those that were curious, she meant that the doc said not to gain more than 10 lbs...I'd just stay active and make good choices for food :) Easier said than done I know, but keep that baby in mind!
  • You're not supposed to restrict calories to lose weight, but you don't want to go too over. I would honestly ask your doctor how many calories you should be eating...I'll try to do some research for you :)
  • I will take a 20-30 minute walk about 3 times a week afterwords, but I usually just do the 30 ds. I do it during my son's nap, and sometimes I need to spend more time with him than work out more. I do take him when I go for walks and he enjoys that. I also work full time, so it can be hard to fit in everything before I go…
  • I love Optimum protein! The flavors are good, and though it's spendy, it's good quality. About 130 cals for a scoop, 3 g of carbs, 24 g of protein. You can do it with milk or water, though milk is always gonna be better. I use them as most of a like a protein shake and a piece of fruit or something. Just stay…
  • Don't worry, it'll happen! I measured after 8 days and there was a loss, keep going with it. It's gonna be hard work, but that's what'll make your success so worth it when you notice it. We are so used to the instant gratification of so many things, that when we do something the old fashioned way, it seems like it takes…
  • I didn't ever post on here, but I did it! I feel awesome! I'm considering doing it again :) I didn't do 200 today, but I might restart tomorrow. ETA: I started the challenge 8 days ago, so I did my full week before skipping a day. I split it up into 8 sets of 25.
  • Optimum!!! It's SO good! I know they had a cake batter, but it may have been a special edition. I *LOVE* the caramel toffee fudge, rocky road (just like ice cream!), chocolate malt...the white chocolate is decent. If you mix them with milk, they're like a milkshake seriously. With water they're pretty good still though.…
  • ok, so I'm only down to 159, but I attribute that to the fact that I weighed myself mid day instead of morning, AND I've been building lean muscle. I've lost inches, and muscle weighs more than fat. I've recorded all of my calories, so I know it's just the muscle building up. Can't wait to see what I've lost next week!
  • Today is day 8 of level 1 for me! I'm seeing a difference in my endurance. I've lost 2 inches off my waist and 1 off my hips in just that much time. I'm gonna weigh myself today then I'll be able to let everyone know if I've lost any pounds.
  • Peanut butter in oatmeal?!? YUM. I like 1/4 grated or diced apple, cinnamon, and 2 tsp brown sugar. That's what I eat mostly, but you could also use banana, walnuts, or raisins (high in sugar and cals though). I use the old fashioned oats so they take a couple minutes, but the less processed the better. I'm also nursing,…
  • I drink a lot of Optimum protein shakes (SO good, and low carb!!), so I'm almost always over my "goal". The numbers for protein intake are pretty low on here, and I'd rather have more protein than more fat or carbs!
  • I don't particularly love the texture, and the taste is a sour, but different from regular yogurt. I personally like it as a substitute for sour cream or mayonnaise.
  • I had to read that a few times before I understood! Now is the time to focus on *YOU*!!! Good luck with your next journey :)