suekitchen Member


  • I'm sort of starting to wonder why none of my friends or loved ones have said anything like this to me!! Maybe because I haven't outright said to them "I want to lose weight"... they just know I'm eating better and I'm working out. My best friend responded by saying she wanted to get back into fitness too after finishing…
  • The bad breath is a sign of ketosis - the body breaking down fat for energy instead of carbs (similar to what diabetics get when they can't keep their blood sugar under control as their body can't convert it to energy). It's not always bad though, a lot of people get a sweet one. Not that I advocate atkins... some of the…
  • I've not done Atkins specifically but I have cut right down on carbs. One thing I can tell you is that the hunger you feel will subside very quickly.... carbs make you feel hunger so much more than other food, so for now, it's tough, but once your body adapts a bit more you will be feeling loads better and suffer far less…
  • I think it's usually one of two things - your friends don't want you to feel bad, so won't say anything negative about you. And then there'll be people who have this pang of... jealousy almost. You want to change yourself, but they don't have the motivation to try the same. They feel better about themselves if you're not…
  • Welcome! One thing that might help is if you try a little bit of exercise - I know, the dreaded 'e' word! But even just walking for half an hour can earn you a few extra calories each day that can make things easier as you don't feel quite restricted. I went to meet some friends for a Starbucks the other day and I decided…
  • As many have said it depends on the individual a lot as to what 1lb means to each person. For me personally I'm doing quite a mix of cardio and strength training, and with no real experience of it before I've got no idea of what an ideal number I'm looking for results wise; I'm more interested in measuring the cm's as they…
  • Any possibility you've built up some muscle along the way instead?
  • No magical story here I'm afraid as I'm still too scared to give classes a try just yet, but a friend of mine absolutely raves about all the Body- classes, Pump included. It doesn't sound too complicated as such but he has warned me that I'll be sore in muscles I never knew I had. From what he says, there's a different…