

  • They say eating dill pickles makes a chocolate craving go away. I'll have to do further research on it, but it's worth a shot if you like pickles.
  • You don't want to stop eating. Eat until you're satisfied. Also replace junk food with healthier food, such as fruits or vegetables.
  • Losing a significant amount of weight in a small amount of time is incredibly unhealthy. One to two pounds a week is about the maximum you can lose before you start drifting into that realm of unsafe weight loss.
  • 1) Depending on what your weight and height is, you may be burning those calories just being sedentary. If you're consistently hungry or feel like you're not getting enough food, up that to 1600 calories or so. 2) Metabolism can ramp up if you eat many small meals per day as opposed to 2 or 3 heavy meals. Eating small…
  • I had cut out soda for over a year and lost close to 50 lbs. simply by doing that. Trust me, it gets much easier after the "3-day hump". Try not to buy it or keep it around the house. Think about the money you'll save without shilling out the extra dough for soda (which has gotten expensive lately.) When asked in a…