nehauck Member


  • I've always believed in mild exercise when sick helps boost the immune system. Strenuous exercise undermines the immune system. Perhaps you can take a leisurely walk tomorrow afternoon?
  • While I do not have celiac disease, i've been eating gluten free for 6 months and love it. I have so much less inflammation in my hands when I exercise and my blood pressure is back to normal after 12 years of being unexplainably high.
  • Wow, me too! Congratulations!!
  • Jack is our 8 yr old Australian Shepherd and he loves to run and adjusts his pace to mine. Our adult kids try to take him and he slows them down b/c he's used to running with me! I trained him that time on the leash is NOT potty time so I don't ever have to carry a bag of poop....
  • Congratulations to you, it is a HUGE NSV! How wonderful you're enjoying moving your body and the environment in which you live. Sounds like your husband is supportive too! Look forward to hearing from you as you continue your journey!
  • Not to say I don't like P90X, I do. I took a break from it after about 6 weeks because I couldn't complete one pull-up or do pushups on my toes even though I had worked with The Firm weight tape videos on and off for the past 10+ yrs. That and I had to have knee sx last November due to overuse. Just recently started NROLW…
  • Spell corrector strikes again... Dead Lifts, not deadliest!
  • I started dong weight tapes around 40 yrs old and started with 8, 10, 12, and 15 pound dumbbells. Those were the weights I've used off and on ever since until starting NROLW about 6 weeks ago (I'm 53 now) and immediately jumped my weight up to using 20, 25, and 30 pound dumbbells (the largest we have) and also using the…
  • Changed to a low sugar diet many years ago hoping to lose some weight. No weight change, however, for decades I'd undergone tests for gastrointestinal problems w/ first colonoscopy at 18. Around 30 yrs old a trusted specialist diagnosed it as Chron's Disease and put me on daily meds. Fast forward, around 45 yrs old and…
  • Have you been taking your measurements? Sometimes the scale doesn't show all the progress being made! That being said, I agree with alise_lms, whenever I go on vacation I come home w/ extra pounds lost. Keep to your calorie goal but take a week off of exercising and see if it helps.
  • It doesn't have anything to do with you as you loved going and never whined or complained! If he was fired for any reason he most likely wouldn't be able to take a client list with him. Or, it could have simply been he quit for his own personal reasons. Don't let it get you down, these things happen to everyone!
  • Coconut oil is an excellent replacement for Canola oil and butter/margarine. Although it is a saturated fat, it is a healthy fat which will help with lowering LDL. A great way to start cooking w/ it is when frying eggs; my husband loves them this way and he is not nearly on the healthy living train I am. Coconut Oil is…
  • I've been having the same issue and got some interesting advice yesterday: try setting your calorie goal to 500 more calories/day for a week and then go back down to where it's set now. A MFP friend's personal trainer recommended this, she did it a couple times and says it worked. I just upped my calories today, but only…
  • it's always more fun and easier to stay on track and get more fit when I have people to do it with; glad to be back!