

  • Sorry, but your friend's being dumb. She needs a swift kick to the *kitten* and she needs to get it to the RCMP ASAP! The FBI has absolutely no reason to be dealing with anybody in Canada without first contacting the RCMP. It's called jurisdiction. They have none in Canada unless invited by the RCMP. I would tell her…
  • First of all, I just want to hug you! Second of all, and it's gonna sound harsh, but get up off your butt and just do it! There's nothing to be ashamed of! You're going through this lifestyle change together. You may think it's hard for you to just keep going, but imagine what she's thinking. She's probably thinking how…
  • I shred the zucchini and use it to make turkey burgers :) Sorry, don't have any ideas for the yellow squash though .
  • I absolutely LOATHE when people write an email to multiple people and start it off by saying "Hey All" or "All". I effing HATE that! My name is not All! If you're writing to multiple people, just use a generic saying like "Hello", "Hi", Good Morning/Afternoon" etc. How friggin' hard is that??!! Also, I hate, hate, HATE,…
  • Northeast BC here (and I'm talking about north of Prince George... lol!) I grew up in London, Ontario, but the heat is waaaay too much for me. So I moved as far north in BC as I dared to lol! Now I get about 9 months of winter, a couple months of spring/fall and about 1 1/2 months of summer. I love it!
  • Can you come kick my *kitten* for a while? I can pay you in cookies! ;)
  • Yeah, I don't believe it for a second. 1. Where does the fat actually go? If it's not in that exact spot anymore, it's gotta be somewhere else now. 2. How does it actually make your skin tighter besides more squished together? Your skin cells don't just "disappear". I know it's extreme, but it's also something I've…
  • Oh yes! Also a favourite of mine :D
  • I have to admit, I've never watched Dr. Who. I am however a big fan of Star Trek. I am in LOVE with Captain Picard :)
  • They're good, I like them, but they didn't do anything for me with regards to losing weight. I'm finding I'm losing weight better by eating actual food. Plus I always felt hungry fairly shortly afterwards, even though I would put fresh fruit in them. I'm not saying it doesn't work, it certainly does for some people and…
  • My hubby and I had chinese food for dinner one night. I posted the fact that I had such yumminess (and not a lot at that) someone I thought was a good friend said to me: Her: I thought you were on a diet? Me: I am, but I'm getting back at it tomorrow! Her: Well, you should go for a long walk tonight or you'll hate…
  • Holy smokes! Excuse me while I pick my jaw up off the floor! Awesome job!! I hope one day to be able to post such a dramatic picture here too :D Thank you!
  • wooooooooooooww! Judgemental much??? Have you considered the fact that other women may not like to exercise during their time is because it EFFFFING HURTS! Before I went on BC, I was in bed for 2 days every month because the pain was so bad I couldn't move without throwing up. Now after going off of BC, I don't have as…
  • I drive a 2012 Chevy Equinox LTZ. I love it because it's completely chromed out and is a little nerdy on the inside with the touch screen console :)
  • I can see both sides of the argument, having your diary open to people so that you're more accountable for what you eat. And the other side of keeping it locked because, really, it's nobody's business but your own what you eat every day. Having said that, the only people that know what I eat every day are myself, my…
  • I'm a drafter for a surveying company. My entire job revolves around AutoCad which I took one semester of in College... Been doing it for 7 years and still loving it!
  • But, you need to eat snacks. As long as they're healthy snacks, they're the best thing other than breakfast to eat. I'm a coffee fiend as well, but I know I need to reduce the amount I drink, so I try to drink less, then I immediately switch to water.
  • Amen to that! Thank you for writing this and putting this whole eating healthy thing into perspective. Eating is a lifestyle change, you have to do it slowly or you're not going to make it, just like excercise. You don't go all gung-ho at the beginning, you ease yourself into it, because, it's a lifestyle change! Why would…
  • I am really tempted! I feel I've lost weight, but I don't know for sure. I changed my calories so I wanted to see if it was doing anything. I guess I'll just stick with what I'm doing and see what happens at the end of the month! It's hard, but I promised myself!
  • I'm in! Starting after my weigh-in tomorrow :) I need a point of reference for May.
  • You can safely lose 2lbs a week. I try to stick with my normal daily limits regardless if I excercise or not. If you need to have something after excercise, go with something high in protein like peanut butter, or even a protein shake. It helps to fill you up and repair your muscles while not going all out on the calories.
  • I'm going to keep my eye on this topic! Hubby's 1st Gen Italian-Canadian, his family LOVES food, and we're going to be seeing them next month for a few days :s
  • I just won't tell them I'm trying to lose weight to be healthy. It's probably a little easier for me because my family is across the country from me, so I don't get the every day comments. I did have one lady that I work with that is quite petite tell me that I don't need to lose weight, that I'm perfect the way I am. Well…
  • For me, being quite overweight, walking is the best form of cardio right now, because anything I do is a form of cardio. I've had luck with walking, it may not do too much with burning fat and losing a ton of weight, but I find after a while I can walk longer with less effort and pain, and that right now, is my goal. I try…
  • SW - 287 lbs (Sunday Jan 1) Week 1 - xxx lbs (Sunday Jan 8 ) Week 2 - xxx lbs (Sunday Jan 15) Week 3 - xxx lbs (Sunday Jan 22) Week 4 - xxx lbs (Sunday Jan 29) Total lost - xx lbs (Thursday Feb 1)
  • Born in Burns Lake, BC, grew up in London, Ontario, now living the high/married life in Fort St John, BC :)