TrixyHero Member


  • I actually used this online tool over a year ago when I started a diet and fitness plan. I used it for about 4 months. Now I am starting all over again as some people might be able to relate. I am doing my own clean & lean eating program which will incorporate Atkins, Lean Secrets, The Diet Doctor's Solution and Dr. Oz…
  • Tomatoes are carbs. The cheese is protein. The bar is a mixture of both. For me, protein is the better choice because drinks are high in calories and carbs (sugar).
  • Ok...I was doing so good staying motivated UNTIL I got a second part time job. So, now I am working 7 days a week and I don't want to do anything in my limited down time except rest and hang out with friends/family. But I have to keep losing weight and getting prepared for a 5K that I want to do in September! How do you…
  • I have had a personal trainer for almost two years. In the beginning, it felt pretty painful. Your muscles are being fatigued through and through. I started off with twice a week every week. We would train using the circuit training machines and dead weights. But what I noticed was, I weighed more but looked leaner. So my…
  • try this site. I just found out that after losing 35 lbs. that I am pre-diabetic. my husband and i officially use this site in conjunction with my
  • I love all of the comments regarding the P90X. My question is what did you purchase from the website. Didi you buy the exercise program? It seems a little expensive by the time you pay the three installments. I'd love to do it but am also wondering how it caters to everything else you have to do to get in shape. Feedback…