

  • I'm SO in on this. I need something to keep me motivated and this will definitely be it. I'm a Zumba Newbie, but I'm sure it will still produce results even with a newbie learning curve. :D Looking forward to seeing everyone's results!
  • I also have an issue with a fatty liver. My doctor told me that there is no magic diet that will reduce this. The only thing that will, is exercise, exercise, exercise. So onward I trudge.
  • I'm sorry, did I read that correctly....Pink? Absolutely amazing on the weight loss though!!. But still.... Pink?!?!?
  • I've had success with it.... and I get a lot of great induction recipes here
  • Oooh good ones. Add to that: People who scuffle their feet all the time. If your shoes are too big buy ones that fit. Or, PICK UP YOUR FEET! Teeth kissers. People with bad breath. How can you not notice your breath is making the wallpaper peel?
  • Great for Induction: Cauliflower 'Hash Browns' 1 cup of raw cauliflower 1 egg seasonings to taste 1/4 ounce of butter or 1/2 tablespoon of oil Grate or shred cauliflower into a microwaveable bowl and microwave it on high for a couple of minutes till softened. Let cool then add one beaten egg and whatever seasonings you…