sdhiiif Member


  • Thanks, i'll check both out!
  • Welcome and thank you for your service! Stay focused!
    in Hello Comment by sdhiiif February 2011
  • Yeah, good question... I also notice inconsistencies between one scale and another, and that is aggravating. I use a digital one that (supposedly) measures body fat and what-not, but eh...nothing special about it. I think what matters is that you use the same one every time so that you can better gauge your actual weight…
  • Welcome!! Great site, isn't it? Yeah, I created mine a while ago, but just recently started getting serious about updating it. Good luck with your goals!!
  • If you're going to go to sleep soon, I don't think so. Otherwise, you may want to consider eating an apple or a light healthy snack. I understand you should eat something small every couple of hours to keep your metabolism going, but with that said, you shouldn't eat if you're not hungry either and need no more energy for…
  • Welcome! It's a nice website because it keeps track of your net calories. Only thing, though is you must burn more than you eat.... Just keep in mind that one pound is 3,500 calories, so if you eat 1,000 less than you burn every day (including BMR + exercise), then you should be on track in 4 weeks (2 pounds/week). Of…
  • Thank you all for your comments! I feel once again motivated and can't wait for the new day!
  • I've read good things about Celsius. It's only 10 calories and if you drink it before exercising, it's supposed to increase your metabolic rate more, so they call it a "negative calorie" drink. They have a couple of green tea flavors.
  • That's awesome! Glad you've made good progress :)
  • Hello! I'm in San Diego too. Name is Sergio... used to track on this site, but stopped... now need to get back on track, start a diet and fitness regimen and see results! Happy New Year!