what to drink?

lilbuddytatertot Posts: 57 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
what is good to drink? diet soda is bad and juices seem to be all full of calories. i like flavor and cant do just water. i like diet green tea, is that good? and why is diet soda bad just out of curiosity? so i really wanna know what i should or can drink thats good and whats bad.


  • fitoverfifty
    fitoverfifty Posts: 192 Member
    Water, unsweetened green tea...and natural fruit juices( no sugar added). Also vegetable juice.

    Diet drinks are bad because they are full of artificial sweeteners ( nasty stuff)....and also you will never get rid of your addiction to sweet tasting stuff...
  • sdhiiif
    sdhiiif Posts: 12 Member
    I've read good things about Celsius. It's only 10 calories and if you drink it before exercising, it's supposed to increase your metabolic rate more, so they call it a "negative calorie" drink. They have a couple of green tea flavors.
  • novatri
    novatri Posts: 262 Member
    Tons of water sweeteners out there. Crystal Lite, Koolaid mixes, etc. But they contain aspertain which gets many mixed reviews. I'm still stuck on Coke Zero and the Koolaid stuff.
  • apw75
    apw75 Posts: 4 Member
    True Lemon and True Lime are great additions to water, even calorie free natural sparkling water. Their website is www.truelemon.com, and they have recipes, etc too! It comes in little packets like sugar, etc, so you can carry it with you. I also drink a lot of herbal tea (caffeine free) sweetened with stevia. I have a hard time drinking just plain water, too, so I know how you feel, because I'm trying to steer clear of diet sodas and artificial sweeteners, also. Hope this helps! The True Lemon, etc may be carried in a grocery store near you, it should be found on the juice isle next to the lemon and lime juices, or you can order it from their website. The only place I can find it near where I live is the military commissary on post - thank goodness I have privileges!
  • momogogo
    momogogo Posts: 159 Member
    Diet Soda's have lot's of soduim. The carbonation can bloat you. However, get creative with water. I add different flavor tea bags to my water bottles. Fruit slices are good too. Think slushy without the sugar. Throw ice cubes in the blender with fruit. Maybe add some blue agave nectar or honey for sweetness. MMMMM
  • purplefreak60
    purplefreak60 Posts: 47 Member
    . I stopped drinking Soda. I squeeze fresh lemon juice into my water. I do drink teas, green & whites. Any naturally non caffeinated.
  • 0 calorie life water they have at least 10 differant flavors and nothing artificial yet they are sweet so the curb my cravings!!
  • Amyhue
    Amyhue Posts: 17 Member
    I like the slightly flavored fizzy spring water at trader joes. Has berry, lime, orange, lemon etc,,, but not too sweet like other waters. And it's only .79 cents for a one liter bottle! That also get me four + 8 oz. servings of water in right there. Yeah!
  • Diet soda= evil for you body because:

    It has phosphorous, that means it prevents your body from absorbing calcium. That's sucky because IIRC you are still gaining bone density until you're about 21-22 ish. Once you're past that you can maintain but your body will start to lose density if you don't take care of that. Sodas on a regular basis counteract your ability to maintain good bones- can therefore help usher in osteoporosis if you're in a risk group and drink it regularly. (this pertains to all sodas, not just diet)

    It wears down the enamel on your teeth.

    It has been proven to cause your body to feel increased hunger and therefore you might ingest higher levels of calories when you're drinking diet soda regularly.

    High in sodium..which is always a bad thing overall (if you didn't realize it yet, too much salt is bad for blood pressure, heart health etc)

    I read that a study recently discovered that people that drank a certain amount of tea and soda (I can't remember the exact amounts but trust that if you drink both on a daily basis you're at risk) have a MUCH higher incident of getting kidney stones.


    So...diet soda is really crappy for your body.

    I'm sorry to say but water is your best bet. It's the building block of your body besides proteins and it's the ultimate drink. Try drinking with slices of lemon or lime. You need to practice drinking it so you can get used to drinking water regularly. Just make yourself.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I just drink water. That's it besides a smoothie. It can take some time to adjust to drinking plain water, but it's worth the trouble. It's so much healthier for you! After a while you'll find that you like it and that's all you want to drink.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Diet green tea is good. Usually the more natural it is, the better it is for you. If you can't stand water, like a lot of people, there are ways to make it palatable, like you could try squeezing a bit of lemon and/or lime to give it some flavor. Or if you wanna be all fancy with it, squeeze some lemon and lime into carbonated water.

    Some people will add Crystal Light to their water, which isn't bad either. You could also drink unsweetened iced tea, aside from diet green tea. As versatile as water is, there's not really a lot to add flavor without having something else added to it, like propel zero/powerade zero or something along those lines.
  • chimebird
    chimebird Posts: 57 Member
    I'm really in to herbal teas lately, I've been having them at night when I crave something sweet. (They're very sweet on their own, no need to add any sweetener.) No caffeine or calories and they taste amazing hot or iced. I feel like there must be something bad about them I don't know cause they're too good to be true. Cranberry Apple Zinger and Pomegranate Pizzazz are my favorites right now.
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