

  • Oh, yeah, I go over my sugar allowance by 3x most days and I NEVER eat refined sugar. I mean, really, sugar is in everything - even my home made lettuce soup has sugar lol I just can't stay within the MFP limits when it comes to sugar, but I don't think this has side-tracked my diet and weight loss in any way.
  • I agree. Hitting plateaus is no fun at all -- I feel like smashing my head against the wall when i hit one, but by now I have gotten used to it. Most importantly, do not feel discouraged. Keep up the good work. I have had 2 week periods of eating super healthy and exercising with no weight loss or even a 2 lbs gain (NOT…
  • come on, don't be so picky...everyone here is trying to achieve the same goal: lose weight, be fitter and healthier, etc....I always accept friend requests from people on MFP even if they don't include a message. It's no big deal - try to relax and just take advantage of the site. Be happy that people are adding you as a…
  • I would totally load up on protein as much as you can. Now I know that it will be hard if not impossible to eat 800-1000 cals worth of protein, but it will def help in avoiding the "starvation mode."
  • don't worry as long as you're getting 1000 or more and feeling full, you are doing a great job! your diary looks very healthy...I am under 1200 many days during the week, and so far I have been able to lose weight consistently from 180 to 145 (current weight).
  • that's too insignificant of a weight loss from day to day to consider it a trend. I would be careful about upping your calories - only do that slightly (100-200 cal/day) on days that you work out a lot. This is what has worked for me so far...
  • you look so healthy! amazing!
  • I would totally decrease the number of calories you eat every day to at most 1,200. Given your already slender frame, it is really hard to lose weight by eating 1,600, even if you exercise.
  • I am having the same problem! I started out at 180 lbs and am 149.8 lbs now. I have not been able to budge from that weight for 3 weeks now. I tried increasing calories and it still did not work. I eat 1200 every day and exercise every other day or so. I am originally from Romania (even though I live in NYC), so I decided…
    in Plateaued Comment by abow29 August 2011
  • To be honest, I have the same problem: I LOVE to snack at night, especially around 9 or 10 pm. I go for healthy snacks (fruit/yogurt/etc), but I have heard mixed views on this. My mom, who is a nurse practitioner back in Romania, always tells her patients that want to lose weight to stop eating at least 3 hours before…
  • Acnee is my biggest concern as well! I am now on the YAZ bc pill to regulate periods and prevent acnee, but the moment I stop taking the pill I get a lot of pimples and excess hair. Terrible! I really think the acnee comes from the hormonal imbalance, so not much you can do by cleaning face or buying expensive acnee…
  • I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 18 years old (had really bad acne and cysts on my ovaries) and have been on birth control (YAZ) ever since. The gynecologist who saw me back then told me that unless I lose a lot of weight I will never be able to have kids. I am 5'4'' (and a half) and 152 lbs now, but according to him I…
  • You are definitely at a good place to start! Congrats on losing so much weight (from 140 to 126/127, that's amazing). I am sure the last couple of pounds will be hard to lose, but i am sure you will get there, slowly but surely.
  • Hi there, If you don't mind me asking, how much do you weigh now and how much total weight have you lost up to now? If you have already lost a lot of weight (10/15/20 lbs) it is much harder to keep losing. If you have lost only a few pounds, I believe that switching up your diet and exercise plan should help a lot. Also,…